CEE Organization

College Committee



  ◼ Office of General Affairs
  ◼ Office of Teacher's Affairs
  ◼ Office of Student's Affairs
  ◼ Office of Academic Disciplines
  ◼ Office of International Affairs
  ◼ Office of Domestic Cooperation


Academic Departments

  ◼ Department of Water Science and Engineering
  ◼ Department of Environmental Engineering
  ◼ Department of Environmental Science

  ◼ Department of Ecological Science and 



Labs & Centers

  ◼ MoE Key Lab of TGRR’s Eco-environment
  ◼ MoST Int’l Joint Res. Center for Low Carbon       Green Buildings
  ◼ MoE Joint Lab of Int'l Cooperation of on Green       Building and Habitat Environment Construction
  ◼ National Base for 111 Program of Low-carbon       Green Buildings and Built Environment ("111"       Talent Hiring Base)
  ◼ CQ Key Laboratory of TGRR’s Water       Environment  Protection and Water Resources       Utilization

  ◼ Urban Construction & Environmental

 Engineering Experimental Center

  ◼ CEE Laboratory

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