The College of Environment and Ecology (CEE) was jointly formed in 2019 due to the discipline optimization of Chongqing University (CQU) in response to the new challenge of new era. The College is formed by 3 departments (Water Science & Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Ecological Science and Engineering) from the former School of Urban Construction and Environmental Engineering and 1 department (Environmental Science) from the former College of Resources and Environmental Sciences. The Department of Water Science & Engineering enrolled her first cohort of students in 1955, and the other departments—Environmental Engineering, Environmental Science, Ecological Science and Engineering taken their first cohort of students in 1985, 1986 and 2013 respectively. The School of Urban Construction and Environmental Engineering was founded in 1956 firstly in the name of Department of Sanitary Engineering, Chongqing Institute of Architecture and Engineering (CIAE). The name was then changed to the Department of Water Gas and Building Materials in 1973, the Department of Urban Construction in 1979, the Faculty of Urban Construction Engineering of Chongqing Jianzhu University (CJU) in 1994, and the Faculty of Urban Construction and Environmental Engineering in year 2000 when the new Chongqing University was founded by incorporating CJU. The College of Resources and Environment was also founded in 2000 and it has its history from the Department of Mining and Metallurgy Engineering at Chongqing University in 1935. The CEE is located on the Campus B of Chongqing University, having an administrative building (Environment Building) and three laboratory buildings. There are 1650 students (800 undergraduates, 600 MSc students, 200 PhD students and 50 international students) at CEE with the professional supervising and service provided by 151 full-time dedicated staff. Our passion for teaching and research excellence combined with our leading student experience enables our students to make an outstanding contribution to this country and to the world. We are incredibly proud of our students and alumni for what they have achieved. Mr. REN Zhengfei, the creator and CEO of Huawei, Professor ZHOU Qi at Tongji University and Professor HUANG Xia at Tsinghua University are the representatives of our prominent alumni.