JIANG Yanxue
PhD, Lecturer
Office: 303 at Environment Hall
Email: jiangyanxue@cqu.edu.cn
● 2012 – 2017: PhD in Natural Resource, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.
● 2008 – 2012: B.E. in Resource Science and Engineering, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.
Research Description
Dr. Yanxue Jiang is interested in the linking ecological and human health with environmental pollutant. Recent studies are about the transport and transformation of nutrients and hazardous elements in the Water-Level-Fluctuation Zone in Three Gorges Reservoir.
● Yilun Gao, Fang Fang, Zichao Tang, Rui Zhang, Yanxue Jiang*, Jingsong Guo, 2022. Distribution Characteristics of Soil Phosphorus Forms and Phosphatase Activity at Different Altitudes in the Soil of Water-Level-Fluctuation Zone in Pengxi River, Three Gorges Reservoir. Environmental Science.
● Hongbin Cao, Yaobin Meng, Hanping Zhao, Yanxue Jiang, Yi Men, Mao Liu, 2022. Health risk assessment and early warning of rural environment. China Environment Publishing Group. Beijing.
● Yanxue Jiang, Sihong Chao, Jianwei Liu, Yue Yang, Yanjiao Chen, Aichen Zhang, Hongbin Cao*, 2017. Source apportionment and health risk assessment of heavy metals in soil for a township in Jiangsu Province, China. Chemosphere, 168, 1658-1668.
Projects, Patents, and Awards
● 2021-2023, Study of the microorganism-mediated coupled transport and reaction of cadmium and phosphorus during the plant decomposition in water-level-fluctuating zone (32001195), National Science Foundation of China, PI
● 2018-2021, Threshold value of soil cadmium in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area based on ecological risk (cstc2018jcyjAX0785), Bureau of Science and Technology of Chongqing, China, PI
● 2017-2020, Study of the coupling relation between indoor air quality and energy consumption (2017YFC0702703-05). Ministry of Science and Technology of China (MOST), PI