Ding Aqiang
PhD, Lecturer
Office: Environment Hall 406
E-mail: aqding@cqu.edu.cn
● 2008.09-2012.06: Bachelor of Environmental Engineering, Xi'an JiaoTong University, Xi’an, China.
● 2012.09-2018.06: PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering, ZheJiang University, Hangzhou, China.
Research Description
Dr. Ding, lecturer and master supervisor of Chongqing University, has long been committed to the research of wastewater treatment and recycling, bioelectrochemical technology and environmental microbiology.
● Cheng Y, Zhao H-Q, Ding A, Chen F, Liu J, Fang D, et al. Singlet oxygen-dominated electrocatalytic oxidation treatment for the high-salinity quaternary ammonium compound wastewater with Ti/(RuxIry)O-2 anode. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH. 2022;209.
● Cai J, Qaisar M, Ding A, Zhang J, Xing Y, Li Q. Insights into microbial community in microbial fuel cells simultaneously treating sulfide and nitrate under external resistance. BIODEGRADATION. 2021;32(1):73-85.
● Ding A, Quan L, Guo X, Wang H, Wen Y, Liu J, et al. Storage strategy for shale gas flowback water based on non-bactericide microorganism control. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. 2021;798.
● Cai J, Qaisar M, Ding A, Wang K, Sun Y, Wang R. Microbial Fuel Cells Simultaneously Treating Sulfide and Nitrate under Different Influent Sulfide to Nitrate Molar Ratios. ENERGY & FUELS. 2020;34(3):3858-66.
● Lu P, Wang X, Tang Y, Ding A, Yang H, Guo J, et al. Granular activated carbon assisted nitrate-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation-membrane bioreactor: Strengthening effect and mechanisms. ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL. 2020;138.
● Xu D, Kang D, Ding A, Li Y, Yu T, Li W, et al. Response of FANIR system to starvation stress: "Dormancy". WATER RESEARCH. 2020;171.
● Wu D, Sun Y, Wang L, Zhang Z, Gui J, Ding A. Modification of NaY zeolite by lanthanum and hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide and its removal performance for nitrate. WATER ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH. 2020;92(7):987-96.
● Kang D, Li Y, Xu D, Li W, Li W, Ding A, et al. Deciphering correlation between chromaticity and activity of anammox sludge. WATER RESEARCH. 2020;185.
● Xu S, Wang B, Li Y, Jiang D, Zhou Y, Ding A, et al. Ubiquity, diversity, and activity of comammox Nitrospira in agricultural soils. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. 2020;706.
● Li W, Lu P, Zhang L, Ding A, Wang X, Yang H, et al. Long-term performance of denitrifying anaerobic methane oxidation under stepwise cooling and ambient temperature conditions. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. 2020;713.
● Li Y, Yu T, Kang D, Shan X, Zheng P, Hu Z, et al. Sources of anammox granular sludge and their sustainability in treating low-strength wastewater. CHEMOSPHERE. 2019;226:229-37.
● Kang D, Yu T, Xu D, Zeng Z, Ding A, Zhang M, et al. The anammox process at typical feast-famine states: Reactor performance, sludge activity and microbial community. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL. 2019;370:110-9.
● Du S-w, Sun C, Ding A, Chen W-w, Zhang M-j, Cheng R, et al. Microbial dynamics and performance in a microbial electrolysis cell-anaerobic membrane bioreactor. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY-SCIENCE A. 2019;20(7):533-45.
● Zhang K, Huang Y, Zhang D, Ding A, Zhan X, Lu P. Phosphomolybdic Acid coupling with Vulcan XC72 Carbon as Superior Catalyst to Enhance ORR Activity and Performance of MFC. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE. 2019;14(6):5613-28.
● Yu T, Zhang M, Kang D, Zhao S, Ding A, Lin Q, et al. Characteristics of Microbial Communities and Their Correlation With Environmental Substrates and Sediment Type in the Gas-Bearing Formation of Hangzhou Bay, China. FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY. 2019;10.
● Xu D, Kang D, Yu T, Ding A, Lin Q, Zhang M, et al. A secret of high-rate mass transfer in anammox granular sludge: "Lung-like breathing". WATER RESEARCH. 2019;154:189-98.
● Ding A, Fan Q, Cheng R, Sun G, Zhang M, Wu D. Impacts of applied voltage on microbial electrolysis cell-anaerobic membrane bioreactor (MEC-AnMBR) and its membrane fouling mitigation mechanism. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL. 2018;333:630-5.
● Kang D, Lin Q, Xu D, Hu Q, Li Y, Ding A, et al. Color characterization of anammox granular sludge: Chromogenic substance, microbial succession and state indication. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. 2018;642:1320-7.
● Kang D, Hu Q, Zhang M, Ding A, Wang R, Lu H, et al. Deep purification of low-strength ammonium-containing wastewater with ANRE process. BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL. 2018;129:57-63.
● Hu Q-Y, Kang D, Wang R, Ding A, Abbas G, Zhang M, et al. Characterization of oligotrophic AnAOB culture: morphological, physiological, and ecological features. APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY. 2018;102(2):995-1003.
● Ding A, Zhao D, Ding F, Du S, Lu H, Zhang M, et al. Effect of inocula on performance of bio-cathode denitrification and its microbial mechanism. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL. 2018; 343:399-407.
● Ding A, Zheng P, Zhang M, Zhang Q. Impacts of electron donor and acceptor on the performance of electrotrophic denitrification. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH. 2017;24(24):19693-702.
● Zeng Z, Zheng P, Ding A, Zhang M, Abbas G, Li W. Source analysis of organic matter in swine wastewater after anaerobic digestion with EEM-PARAFAC. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH. 2017;24(7):6770-8.
● Wang R, Zheng P, Ding A, Zhang M, Ghulam A, Yang C, et al. Effects of inorganic salts on denitrifying granular sludge: The acute toxicity and working mechanisms. BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY. 2016;204:65-70.
● Li Y, Zheng P, Zhang M, Zeng Z, Wang Z, Ding A, et al. Hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity of anaerobic granular sludge surface and their causes: An in situ research. BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY. 2016;220:117-23.
● Ding A, Yang Y, Sun G, Wu D. Impact of applied voltage on methane generation and microbial activities in an anaerobic microbial electrolysis cell (MEC). CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL. 2016; 283:260-5.
● Wu D, Zheng S, Ding A, Sun G, Yang M. Performance of a zero valent iron-based anaerobic system in swine wastewater treatment. JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. 2015; 286:1-6.
● Wu D, Shen Y, Ding A, Qiu M, Yang Q, Zheng S. Phosphate removal from aqueous solutions by nanoscale zero-valent iron. ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY. 2013;34(18):2663-9.
● Wu D, Shen Y, Ding A, Mahmood Q, Liu S, Tu Q. Effects of nanoscale zero-valent iron particles on biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal and microorganisms in activated sludge. JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. 2013;262:649-55.
● Key projects of science and technology research plan of Chongqing Education Commission,“Study on aerobic granular sludge reverse osmosis technology and mechanism for up to standard discharge of pickled mustard wastewater”, project leader, 2021.01 – 2023.12.
● Subproject of National Key R & D Plan, “Construction of material flow model in the whole life cycle of shale gas exploitation and pollution source emission reduction technology”, project leader, 2020.01-2023.12.
● Chongqing Natural Science Foundation, “Process and mechanism of activated carbon enhanced denitrification and anaerobic methane oxidation for synergistic treatment of nitrate and methane”, project leader, 2019.07-2022.06.
● Horizontal scientific research project of Sinopec Chongqing Shale Gas Co., Ltd,” Technical service for applicability research of skid mounted desalination process for shale gas produced water”, project leader, 2021.11-2021.12.
● Horizontal scientific research project of Chongqing Institute of Geology and mineral resources, “Environmental protection performance test of drilling fluid”, project leader, 2021.05-2021.08.
● Ding Aqiang, Hong Rongrong, Huang Ruisi, Li Chaoyang, Lu Peili, a biological electrochemical reaction device and method for denitrifying anaerobic methane oxidation film, ZL202010978969.1.
● Lupelli, Liu Jun, Ding Aqiang, Zhang Wenyu, Song Fuzhong, Zhang Daijun, a three-by-three grids integrated anaerobic aerobic granular sludge enhanced treatment device and method, CN201910107492.7.
● Lupelli, Zhang Wenyu, Ding Aqiang, Liu Jun, Zhang Lilan, Zhang Daijun, an Integrated pre incubation aerobic granular sludge treatment device and method, CN201910107489.5.
● Lupelli, Liu Jun, Ding Aqiang, Zhang Wenyu, Song Fuzhong, Zhang Daijun, a three-by-three grids integrated anaerobic aerobic granular sludge enhanced treatment device, ZL201920186429.2.
● Lupelli, Guo Junliang, Cui Ying, Ling Chuanxiang, Wang Xuewen, Hong Rongrong, Huang Ruisi, Ding Aqiang, a collaborative treatment device and method of domestic waste leachate and landfill gas, ZL201910963137.X.
● Zheng Ping, Ding Aqiang, Zhang Meng, Zhao Dan, Ding Feng, anaerobic digestion denitrification anaerobic ammonia oxidation bioelectrochemical system and method, ZL201610484751.4.
● Zheng Ping, Ding Aqiang, Zhang Meng, Zeng Zhuo, Wang Ru, Qiu Lin, Li Wei, A device for Measuring Microbial chemotaxis, ZL201510476326.6.
● Lu Peili, Zhang Wenyu, Ding Aqiang, Liu Jun, Zhang Lilan, Zhang Daijun, an integrated pre incubation aerobic granular sludge treatment unit, ZL201920186428.8.
● Zheng Ping, Zeng Zhuo, Zhang Meng, Zhang Zonghe, Qiu Lin, Ding Aqiang, livestock and poultry breeding wastewater filtration and filter material recovery device, ZL201510383927.2
● Wu Donglei, Sun Guodong, DingAqiang, rural domestic sewage treatment system combining microbial fuel cell and anaerobic constructed wetland, ZL201510269360.6.
● Wu Donglei, DingAqiang, Sun Guodong, Integrated system of solar driven microbial electrolytic cell for enhanced treatment of rural domestic sewage, ZL201510269292.3.
● Wu Donglei, Yang Meiqing, DingAqiang, device and process for combined treatment of printing and dyeing wastewater by microbial electrolytic cell and anaerobic aerobic, ZL201510146934.0.
● Wu Donglei, DingAqiang, Sun Guodong, microbial electrolysis system and method integrating wastewater biological treatment and promoting methane recovery, ZL201410324228.6.
● Wu Donglei, Sheng Yanhong, DingAqiang, a method for enhancing biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal by using zero valent nano iron, ZL201210469422.5.