Xiaofeng Gao
E-Mail: gaoxiaofeng@cqu.edu.cn; tongji2012gxf@gmail.com
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.hk/citations?user=4Lnf0b8AAAAJ&hl=zh-CN
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xiaofeng_Gao4
Address: College of Environment and Ecology, Chongqing University,
No.174 Shazhengjie, Shapingba, Chongqing, 400044, China
Cell phone: (+86) 189-7796-8454
Academic Employment
● Assistant Researcher, Environmental Engineering, Nov. 2020~ present
College of Environment and Ecology, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China
● Assistant research fellow, Aug. 2020 ~ Oct. 2020
Fourth Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, Beihai, China
● Ph.D. Urban Environmental Engineering, Apr. 2017~ Jan. 2020
Department of Urban Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan
● Research student, Urban Environmental Engineering, Oct. 2016 ~ Mar. 2017
Department of Urban Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan
● Preparatory of Japanese Language, Oct. 2015 ~ Sep. 2016
Preparatory School for Chinese Students to Japan, Northeast Normal University, China
● Master of Environmental Engineering, Sep. 2012 ~ Mar. 2015
College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University, China
● Bachelor of Environmental Engineering (geological foundation), Sep. 2008 ~ Jun. 2012
School of Environmental Studies, China University of Geosciences, China
Expertise and Interests
General: Industrial Ecology; Waste Management; Environmental System Engineering
Specific: Urban Metabolism; Material Flow Analysis (MFA); Building Stock; Resource Management; Built Environment; Cities; C&D Waste Management; Heavy Metals Pollution
Theses & Research Experiences
● Ph.D. Dissertation: “Analysis of material flows associated with building stock for management of demolition waste considering potential hazardousness: A case study of Shanghai”, funded by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan (No.161532).
● Master Dissertation: “Pollution characteristics and control in recycling process of construction & demolition waste”.
● Bachelor Dissertation: “Effect of water eutrophication on the speciation distribution of mercury in sediments: A case study of Hongfeng Lake”.
Recent Grants and Projects:
● Principal Investigator, “Prediction and management strategies of hazardous C&D waste generation based on material flow analysis”, International Postdoctoral Exchange Fellowship Program, Office of China Postdoc Council. (YJ20200280). (CNY 400,000), 2020–2022.
● “Analysis and optimization simulation of water-energy-ecosystem nexus in small hydropower development in the Yangtze River Economic Belt” funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 52170176). (CNY 540,000), 2022–2025.
● “Technology of Pollution Control for Disposal and Resource Recovery: Construction and Demolition Waste”, the Public Interest Program funded by Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People’s Republic of China (No. 201309025). (CNY 3,550,000), 2012–2015.
● “Study on migration, transformation and natural attenuation of pollutants in the hyporheic zone”, funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40830748). (CNY 1,900,000), 2009–2012.
● Co-investigator, “A new mosquito killer used in air-conditioned room”, National University Student Innovation Program funded by Ministry of Education, China (No. 091049136). (CNY 30,000), 2009–2011.
● Principal Investigator, “The environmental impact of coal mining—a case study of Shaoxin Coal Mine in Liangping County, Chongqing”, Summer Social Practice for University Students funded by China University of Geosciences, 2010.
Professional Membership and Services
Member of the International Society of Industrial Ecology, Apr. 2019~present.
Invited Reviewer for Scientific Journals: (30+ times annually)
● Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier) , Mar. 2019~present
● Chemosphere (Elsevier), Dec. 2020~present
● Waste Management (Elsevier), Jan. 2019~present
● Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier) , Mar. 2016~present
● Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (Springer), Nov. 2015~present
● Waste Management & Research (Sage), Sep. 2015~present
● Environmental Science and Pollution Research (Springer), Jan. 2015~present
● Sustainability (MDPI), Feb. 2020~present
● Processes (MDPI), Sep. 2019~present
● Applied Sciences (MDPI), May 2019~present
● African Journal of Food Science, Mar. 2016~present
● International Journal of Environmental Science and Toxicology Research, Nov. 2015~present
● African Journal of Biotechnology, Jul. 2015~present
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles (* corresponding author)
【Accepted Journal Articles】
J1) Xiaofeng Gao*, Jun Nakatani, Qian Zhang, Beijia Huang, Tao Wang, Yuichi Moriguchi. Dynamic material flow and stock analysis of residential buildings by integrating rural–urban land transition: A case of Shanghai. Journal of Cleaner Production, Elsevier, 2020, 253: 119941, SCI, IF=9.297. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.119941
J2) Kunsen Lin; Youcai Zhao; Jia-Hong Kuo; Deng Hao; Feifei Cui; Zilong Zhang; Meilan Zhang; Chunlong Zhao; Xiaofeng Gao* ; Tao Zhou*; Tao Wang*. Toward smarter management and recovery of municipal solid waste: A critical review on deep learning approaches, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 346:130943, SCI, IF=9.297.
J3) Beijia Huang*,Xiaofeng Gao, Xiaozhen Xu, Jialing Song,Yong Geng*, Joseph Sarkis, Tomer Fishman, Harnwei Kua, Jun Nakatani. A Life Cycle Thinking Framework to Mitigate the Environmental Impact of Building Materials. One Earth, 2020, 3(5): 564-573.
J4) Xiaofeng Gao, Yilu Gu, Tian Xie, Guangyin Zhen, Sheng Huang, Youcai Zhao*. Characterization and environmental risk assessment of heavy metals in construction and demolition wastes from five sources (chemical, metallurgical and light industries, and residential and recycled aggregates). Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2015,22:9332-9344. SCI, IF=4.223.
J5) Xiaofeng Gao, Yilu Gu, Sheng Huang, Guangyin Zhen, Guannan Deng, Tian Xie, Youcai Zhao*. Comparison of alternative remediation technologies for recycled gravel contaminated with heavy metals. Waste Management & Research,2015, 33(11): 1005–1014. SCI, IF=3.549
J6) Xiaofeng Gao, Yilu Gu, Tian Xie, Yang Liu, Sheng Huang, Youcai Zhao*. Characteristics of mercury distribution in construction & demolition waste. Journal of Xuzhou Institute of Technology (Natural Sciences Edition), 2014, 29(3):72-76.(in Chinese)
J7) Xiaofeng Gao, Yilu Gu, Tian Xie, Yang Liu, Sheng Huang, Youcai Zhao*. Simulation of gaseous mercury adsorption in different building materials. Journal of Civil, Architecture & Environmental Engineering. 2014,36(6):112-118. CSCD Chinese core journal;Chinese core journal. (in Chinese)
J8) Gao Xiaofeng, Gu Yilu, Xie Tian, Huang Sheng,Cao Nannan, Su Lianghu, Zhao Youcai*. Characteristics of arsenic pollution and chemical speciation distribution in construction & demolition waste from five sources. Advances in Environmental Protection, 2015,5,22-34.(in Chinese)
J9) Xiaofeng Gao*, Yilu Gu, Sirui Zhu, Jiwen Ge. The impact assessment of Shaoxin coal mining on the local plant diversity. Science and Technology for Development, 2011, 6(S1):43-45. (in Chinese)
J10) Yilu Gu, Xiaofeng Gao*, Xiaojing Yang, Taiming Ge. Trap effects of different physical and chemical attractants on Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus, Chinese Journal of Vector Biology and Control, 2012, 23(2):105-107. CSCD Chinese core journal. (in Chinese)
J11) Yilu Gu, Xiaofeng Gao, Yongguang Jiang, Xin Peng, Renhui Li*. Molecular characterization and toxin quantification of Microcystis panniformis: A microcystin producer in Lake Taihu, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2019,76,359-367. SCI, IF=5.565.
J12) Hongping He, Guanglan Di, Xiaofeng Gao, Xunchang Fei*. Use mechanochemical activation to enhance interfacial contaminant removal: A review of recent developments and mainstream techniques. Chemosphere, Elsevier, 2020 (accept), SCI, IF= 7.086.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.125339
J13) Kun Zhou, Boran Wu, Lianghu Su, Xiaofeng Gao, Xiaoli Chai*, Xiaohu Dai. Development of nano-CaO2-coated clinoptilolite for enhanced phosphorus adsorption and simultaneous removal of COD and nitrogen from sewage. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 328:35-43, SCI, IF=13.273
J14) Yang Liu, Xiaoli Chai*, Yongxia Hao, Xiaofeng Gao, Zhibo Lu,Youcai Zhao, Jie Zhang, Minghong Cai. Total mercury and methylmercury distributions in surface sediments from Kongsfjorden, Svalbard, Norwegian Arctic. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22: 8603-8610. SCI, IF=4.223
J15) Sheng Huang, Xin Zhao, Yanqiu Sun, Jianli Ma, Xiaofeng Gao, Tian Xie, Dongsheng Xu, Yi Yu and Youcai Zhao*. Pollution of Hazardous Substances in Industrial Construction and Demolition Wastes and their Multi-path Risk within an Abandoned Pesticide Manufacturing Plant. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2017, 11 (1), 12. SCI, IF=4. 357
J16) Sheng Huang, Xin Zhao, Yanqiu Sun, Jianli Ma, Xiaofeng Gao, Tian Xie, Dongsheng Xu, Yi Yu and Youcai Zhao*. Spatial distribution of organic pollutants in industrial construction and demolition waste and their mutual interaction on an abandoned pesticide manufacturing plant. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 2016,18, 482-492. SCI, IF=4.238
J17) Lu Li; Zhouyang Li; Kang Song*; Yilu Gu; Xiaofeng Gao. Improving methane production from algal sludge based anaerobic digestion by co-pretreatment with ultrasound and zero-valent iron. Journal of Cleaner Production, Elsevier, 2020,255:120214, SCI, IF= 9.297.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.120214
J18) Lu Li; Zhouyang Li; Kang Song*; Yilu Gu; Xiaofeng Gao; Xiaoli Zhao. Short-chain fatty acids resource recovery potential from algal sludge via anaerobic fermentation under various pH values. Chemosphere, Elsevier, 2021, 275: 129954, SCI, IF=7.086.
J19) Peiwen Sun, Ning Zhang, Jian Zuo, Ruichang Mao,Xiaofeng Gao, Huabo Duan*. Characterizing the Generation and Flows of Building Interior Decoration and Renovation Waste: A Case Study in Shenzhen City.Journal of Cleaner Production, Elsevier, 2020,260: 121077, SCI, IF=9.297
J20) Ning Zhang, Hui Zhang, Georg Schiller, Haibo Feng, Xiaofeng Gao, Enming Li, Xiujie Li. Unraveling the GWP mitigation potential from recycling subway-related excavated soil and rock in China via life cycle assessment. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, Wiley, 2021, 17(3): 639-650, SCI, IF=2.992
J21) Congcong Yu, Weituo Zhao*, Xiaofeng Gao, Shenggao Cheng*, Ting Huang, Yimeng Yin, Zhenli Zhao. Distribution characteristics and health risk assessment of heavy metals in surface water around electroplating factories. Environmental Science, 2017 38(3) 993-1001. (in Chinese)
J22) Congcong Yu, Weituo Zhao*, Xiaofeng Gao, Shenggao Cheng*, Di Xie, Tupeng Ma. Distribution characteristics and health risk assessment of metals in drinking water sources from the Luhun reservoir. Environmental Science, 2018, 39(1): 89-98. (in Chinese)
J23) Tian Xie, Xiaofeng Gao, Sheng Huang, Yanqiu Sun, Youcai Zhao*. Pollution transformation of heavy metal polluted CDW in acid rain. Shandong Chemical Industry, 2015,44(6):157-160,164. (in Chinese)
J24) Yilu Gu, Xiaofeng Gao, Renhui Li*. Characterization of humic acid release during the growth of Microcystis flos-aquae, Journal of Lake Sciences, 2015,27(4):623-628.EI, Chinese core journal. (in Chinese)
J25) Tian Xie, Guannan Deng, Xiaofeng Gao, Sijie Lan, Sheng Huang, Youcai Zhao*. Exposure of Concrete to Heavy Metal Environment. Nonferrous Metals Engineering & Research, 2014, 35(03):43-46+49. (in Chinese)
J26) Sijie Lan, Tian Xie, Xiaofeng Gao, Youcai Zhao*. The impact of leachate on the crystal morphology of struvite during repeated pyrolysis and reuse. Shandong Chemical Industry, 2015, 44(4):16-21. (in Chinese)
J27) Sijie Lan, Lijie Song, Huang Huang,Tian Xie, Xiaofeng Gao, Youcai Zhao*. Removal of ammmonia nitrogen in leachate by recycling pyrolyzed struvite. Environmental Engineering, 2016, 34(8) 45-49, Chinese core journal. (in Chinese)
【Under review / In preparing】
J28) Kunsen Lin, Tao Zhou, Xiaofeng Gao*, Chunbo Zhang, Beijia Huang, Qinyan Shi, Youcai Zhao*.Applying machine learning to classify construction and demolition waste based on deep residual network and knowledge transfer. Environment Development and Sustainability. 2022 (Under review).
J29) Kunsen Lin, Youcai Zhao, Xiaofeng Gao*, Meilan Zhang, Chunlong Zhao, Lu Peng, Qian Zhang , Tao Zhou. Applying a deep residual network coupling with transfer learning for recyclable waste sorting. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2022 (Under review).
J30) Xiaofeng Gao*, Beijia Huang, Jun Nakatani, Yuichi Moriguchi. Analysis of construction material stock and end-of-life waste in service buildings. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Elsevier, 2022 (In preparing), IF=10.204.
Other Publications:
1) Xiaofeng Gao*, Qian Zhang, Yilu Gu. Why were millions of livestock drowned in the Chinese flood? Science eLetter <response to Vahedifard F etc. (2016). Compound hazards yield Louisiana flood. Science, 353 (6306), 1374>. https://science.sciencemag.org/content/353/6306/1374.1/tab-e-letters
2) Qian Zhang*, Xiaofeng Gao, Zhuhuan Liu. China’s bike-sharing: A new green-washing industry? Science eLetter <response to Acuto, M. (2018). Global science for city policy. Science, 359(6372), 165-166>. https://science.sciencemag.org/content/359/6372/165/tab-e-letters
P7) Xiaofeng Gao, Yilu Gu, Sha Sha. Multi-functional mosquito killing device. Chinese patent, ZL 2010 2 0697769.0.
P6) Youcai Zhao, Xiaofeng Gao, Tian Xie, etc. A treatment method for C&D waste polluted by high-concentration heavy metals, ZL 201410199598.1.
P5) Youcai Zhao, Xiaofeng Gao, Lan Sijie, etc. A method for dryly cleaning petroleum polluted cloth bag by using alkaline silt, ZL 201410764360.9.
P4) Youcai Zhao, Tian Xie, Xiaofeng Gao, etc. A method for detecting heavy metals in C&D waste, ZL 201410245673.3.
P3) Youcai Zhao, Tian Xie, Xiaofeng Gao, etc. A treatment method for stabilizing various heavy metals in contaminated C&D waste, ZL 201410415807.1.
P2) Sheng Huang, Youcai Zhao, Xiaofeng Gao, etc. A method for measuring organic contaminants in C&D waste. ZL 201410399655.0.
P1) Youcai Zhao, Qiang Li, Anran Luo, Xiaofeng Gao, etc. A method for separating and enriching zinc and lead from heavy metal-polluted C&D waste, Application No. 201410415063.3.
Book Chapters
B4) Zhao Youcai, Huang Sheng, Gao Xiaofeng. 2018, Resource Recovery of Construction and Demolition Wastes, ISBN: 978-7-122-30498-8. Printed by Chemical Industry Press, chapter 1, 2, 3, 8. (in Chinese)
B3) Zhao Youcai, Huang Sheng. Gao Xiaofeng: Contributor-chapter 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 & 9. 2016, Pollution Control and Resource Recovery: Industrial Construction and Demolition Wastes, ISBN: 9780128117545. Printed by Elsevier.
B2) Zhao Youcai, Yu Yi, Xu Dongsheng, Huang Sheng, Gao Xiaofeng, Xie Tian, etc. 2016, Technology of Pollution Control for Disposal and Resource Recovery: Construction and Demolition Waste, ISBN: 978-7-122-27949-1. Printed by Chemical Industry Press, chapter 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8&10. (In Chinese)
B1) Lijie Song, Shanping Chen, Youcai Zhao, Xiaofeng Gao, etc. 2014, Sustainable municipal solid waste disposal and recycling technology, ISBN:978-7-122-18368-2. Printed by Chemical Industry Press, chapter 3&9. (in Chinese)
Selected Conference Presentations (*the speaker)
● Xiaofeng Gao*, Jun Nakatani, Yuichi Moriguchi. Dynamic material flow and stock analysis of residential buildings by integrating rural–urban land transition: A case of Shanghai. Oral presentation to be at the 10th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology: Industrial ecology for eco-civilization, Beijing, China, 7-11 Jul. 2019. (in English)
● Sheng Huang*, Xiaofeng Gao, Tian Xie, Yanqiu Sun,Youcai Zhao. Pollution Control for Industrial Construction and Demolition Waste in Chemical and Metallurgical Factories. The Ninth International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (ICWMT 9). Beijing, China, 29-31 Oct. 2014. DOI: 10.4028 /www.scientific.net/AMM.768.333. (in English)
Selected Awards
● Excellent Award of Japanese Speech Contest in Preparatory School for Chinese Students to Japan, Jul. 2016
● Grand Prize of the Fourth Sinian Cups of Academic Works Competition, China University of Geosciences, Jul. 2012.
● Third Prize of the Outstanding Achievements in Scientific Research of University Students in Hubei Province, Education Department of Hubei Province, Dec. 2011.
● Be selected in “Innovative Talents Project”, China University of Geosciences, Oct. 2011.
● Pacemaker to Merit Student, China University of Geosciences, Oct. 2011.
● Second Prize of the Third Sinian Cups of Academic Works competition, China University of Geosciences, Jun. 2011.
● First Prize of the 21th Students Achievements Report of Science and Technology, China University of Geosciences, Mar. 2011.
● First Prize of the 8th Achievements Report of Science and Technology, School of Environmental Studies, China University of Geosciences, Feb. 2011.
● Granted the highest level of National Innovative Projects for University Students (No. 091049136): "A new mosquito killer used in air-conditioned room ". Ranked "excellent" at the expert assessment, Ministry of Education, China, Jan. 2011.
● Second Prize for Research Report of ‘San Xia Xiang’ Summer Social Practice, School of Environmental Studies, China University of Geosciences, Nov. 2010.
● Third Prize for Research Report of Summer Social Practice for University Students, China University of Geosciences, Oct. 2010.
● Excellent Award for Study in Annual Assessment, School of Environmental Studies, China University of Geosciences, 2009.
● Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship, Oct. 2016~present.
● Full Scholarship of Master Course, Tongji University, Sep. 2012~Mar. 2015.
● National Motivational Scholarship, Ministry of Education, China, Oct. 2011.
● Special Scholarship: "Honor" Scholarship, China University of Geosciences, Oct. 2010.
● National Grants, Ministry of Education, China, 2009.
● National Grants, Ministry of Education, China, 2008.
● International summer school in Kyushu University, Japan, Aug. 2013.
● Researched in Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guiyang, Feb. 2012~Apr. 2012.
● Geological Practice in Three Gorges / Geology Practice in Shanxi Datong basin, Nov. 2011.
● Served as Vice Minister and Adviser of Learning Department, School of Environmental Studies, China University of Geosciences, Sep. 2009~Sep. 2011.
● Geological Practice in Beidaihe / Geological internship in Zhoukoudian, Beijing, Jul. 2010~Sep. 2010.
● Botany Practice in Lushan, Jiangxi, Aug. 2009.