Ying Shao, Dr.
Address: Environment Hall, CQU
Email: ying.shao@cqu.edu.cn
● 2013 –2017 RWTH-Aachen University (Germany, Aachen)
Ph.D. student in Institute for Environmental Research (Biology V)
● 2010 – 2013 Tongji University (China, Shanghai)
M.Sc. in Department of Environmental Science and Engineering
● 2006 –2010 Changchun Institute of Technology (China, Changchun)
B.Sc. in Department of Water conservancy and environmental Engineering
Scientific research and academic work
● 2019 – Present Chongqing University (China, Chongqing)
● Lecturer in College of environment and ecology
● 2018 Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research (Germany, Leipzig)
Postdoctor in Department of Cell Toxicology
● 2017 RWTH-Aachen University (Germany, Aachen)
Postdoctor in Institute for Environmental Research (Biology V)
Research Interests
Biological effects of mixed pollutants
Water ecological health monitoring and assessment
Environmental toxicology
● Siqi Wu, Zhongli Chen, Li Yang, Yulin Zhang, Xiaohe Luo, Jinsong Guo, Ying Shao*, Particle-bound PAHs induced glucose metabolism disorders through HIF-1 pathway. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 797.
● Yinjie Yang, Zhongli Chen, Jialing Zhang, Siqi Wu, Li Yang, Lin Chen, Ying Shao*, The Challenge of Micropollutants in Surface Water of the Yangtze River. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 780.
● Shao Ying*, Glauch Lisa, Henneberger Luise, Koenig Maria, Muhlenbrink Marie, Schlichting Rita, Escher Beate I. Optimization of a pre-metabolization procedure using rat liver S9 and cell-extracted S9 in the Ames fluctuation test. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 749
● Shao, Ying*, Xiao, H., Di Paolo, C., Deutschmann, B., Alert, H., Brack, W., Hollert, H., Seiler, T.-B. Integrated zebrafish-based tests as an investigation strategy for water quality assessment. Water research, 2019, 150: 252-260.
● Shao, Ying*, Chen, Z., Hollert, H., Zhou, S., Deutschmann, B., Seiler, T.-B. Toxicity of 10 organic micropollutants and their mixture: Implications for aquatic risk assessment. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 749
● Host the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 51908528)
● Host the the Venture & Innovation Support Program for Chongqing Overseas Returnees (No. cx2019110)
● Host the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No.2019CDQYCH011)
● Participant the National Key R&D Program of China (No. 2019YFD1100500)