LIN Dunmei
PhD, Associate Professor
Office: Rm346 at Environment Hall
Email: lindunmei@cqu.edu.cn
● 2009 – 2014: PhD in Ecology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
● 2005 – 2009: B.E. in Biological Science, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China.
Research Description
● Plant litter decomposition
● Soil biodiversity
● Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
● Belowground ecology
● Nicolas Fanin*,Dunmei Lin*, Gregoire T.Freschet, et al. Home-field advantage of litter decomposition: from the phyllosphere to the soil. New Phytologist, 2021, 231: 1353-1358
● Dunmei Lin*, Guangrong Yang, Pengpeng Dou, et al. Microplastic negatively affect soil fauna but stimulate microbial activity: insights from a field-based microplastic addition experiment. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2020, 287: 20201268
● Dunmei Lin*, Pengpeng Dou, Guangrong Yang, et al. Home-field advantage of litter decomposition differ between leaves and fine roots. New Phytologist, 2020, 227: 995-1000
● Dunmei Lin*, Shufang Yang, Pengpeng Dou, et al. A plant economics spectrum of litter decomposition among coexisting fern species in a subtropical forest. Annals of Botany, 2020, 125: 145-155
● Dunmei Lin*, Fang Wang, Nicolas Fanin, et al. Soil fauna promote litter decomposition but do not alter relationship between leaf economics spectrum and litter decomposability. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 2019, 107519