SHI Dezhi
PhD, Associate Professor
Office: 408 at Environment Hall
Email: shidezhi@cqu.edu.cn
● 2009 – 2011: Postdoctor in Chemical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, P.R China.
● 2006: Visiting scholar, Cornell University, Ithaca, NewYork, USA
● 2003 – 2009: PhD. in Environmental Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, P.R China.
● 1999 – 2003: B.E. in Environmental Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, P.R China.
Research Description
Dr. Shi is an Associate Professor of College of Environmental and Ecology, Chongqing University. He performs research in pollution control and resource utilization of solid waste, environmental pollution chemistry, treatment and restoration of contaminated sites. He is the expert of “ No Waste City” construction and environmental technology assessment of Chongqing; is fellow of International Water Association (IWA), American Chemical Society (ACS), International Society of Chemical Industry, Chinese Society of Environmental Science; is reviewer of Journal of Hazardous Materials, Bioresource Technology, Waste management, Energy & Fuels, Materials & Structures; and has the qualification of registered cleaner production auditor. Dr. Shi also participates teaching research on curriculum and experiment.
Dr. Shi is the author of over 60 peer-reviewed publications which mainly focus on (ⅰ) pollution control and resource utilization of heavy metal and organic compound in fly ash, bottom ash slag and soli, etc; and (ⅱ) development of novel approaches to prepare materials eg. hydroxyapatite, zeolite, tobermorite and biochar that have good performance in stabilization and adsorption of contaminant. Dr Shi holds over 20 patents which cover many aspects, e.g., municipal solid waste treatment, enhancement of compost, hydrothermal method for fly ash treatment and adsorption of odor using modified biochar. Dr. Shi received the first prize of Technology Progress of Zhejiang Province in 2008 and the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress in 2009.
l Shi DZ, Wu WX*, Lu SY, Chen T, Huang HL, Chen YX, Yan JH. Effect of MSW source-classified collection on the emission of PCDDs/Fs and heavy metals from incineration in China. Journal of Hazardous Materials.2008, 153(1-2): 685-694.(IF =10.588)
l Tang XJ, Shen CF, Shi DZ*, Cheema SA, Khan IM, Zhang CK, Chen YX. Heavy metal and persistent organic compound contamination in soil from Wenling: an emerging e-waste recycling city in Taizhou area, China. Journal of Hazardous Materials.2010, 173(1-3): 653-660.(IF =10.588) Citiation:253 Highly cited paper of ESI(the first 1%)
l Shen KL, Shen CF, Yu J, Yu CN, Shi DZ*, Chen YX. PCB congeners induced mitochondrial dysfunction in Vero cells. Journal of Hazardous Materials.2011, 185: 24-28.(IF =10.588)
l Tang H, Xu XY, Wang B, Lv CP, Shi DZ*.Removal of ammonium from swine wastewater using synthesized zeolite from fly ash. Sustainability. 2020, 12(8): 3423.(IF=3.251)
l Shi DZ*, Hu CY, Zhang JL, Li PF, Zhang C, Wang XM, Ma H. Silicon-aluminum additives assisted hydrothermal process for stabilization of heavy metals in fly ash from MSW incineration. Fuel Processing Technology. 2017,165:44-53.(IF =7.033)
l Shi DZ*,Ma JY, Wang HL, Wang P, Hu CY, Zhang JL, Gu L. Detoxification of PCBs in fly ash from MSW incineration by hydrothermal treatment with composite silicon-aluminum additives and seed induction. Fuel Processing Technology. 2019,195: 106157.(IF = 7.033)
l Shi DZ*, Zhang C, Zhang JL, Li PF, Wei YM. Seed-assisted hydrothermal treatment with composite silicon-aluminum additive for solidification of heavy metals in municipal solid waste incineration fly ash. Energy & Fuels.2016, 30 (12): 10661-10670.(IF = 3.605)
l Shi DZ*, Tong HH, Lv MY, Zhang HB, Wang HL, Luo L, Ma JY, Ma CL, Luo D, Zhao XH, Han ZY. Effect of Ca-Si-Al element proportion on formation of aluminosilicate minerals and detoxification of PAHs in fly ash from MSW incineration during hydrothermal process. Energy &Fuels. 2021, 35(11):9474-9488(IF =3.605)
l Shi DZ*, Tong HH, Lv MY, Luo D, Wang P, Xu XX, Han ZY. Optimization of hydrothermal synthesis of hydroxyapatite from chicken eggshell waste for effective adsorption of aqueous Pb(II).Environmental Science & Pollution Research. 2021, s11356-021-14772-y (IF =4.223)
l Shi DZ*, Li PF, Zhang C, Tang XJ. Levels and patterns of polychlorinated biphenyls in residues from incineration of established source-classified MSW in China. Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry.2015, 97(10): 1337-1349.(SCI )
l Shi DZ, Tang XJ, Wu WX*, Shen CF, McBride BM, Chen YX. Effect of MSW source-classified collection on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in residues from full-scale incineration in China. Water, Air & Soil Pollution.2009, 198: 347-358.(SCI)
l Shi DZ*, Wang P, Xu XY, Gu L, Li L, Ma H, Hu CY. Effect of source-classified collection of municipal solid waste on heavy metals and pozzolanic properties of incineration residues. International Journal of Environmental Research. 2018.12(5):661-670.(SCI)
l Shi DZ*, Zhang JL, Zhang C, Hu CY, Li PF. Seed-induced hydrothermal synthesis of tobermorite from municipal solid waste incinerator fly ash. Journal of Residuals Science & Technology.2017,14(1):11-19.(SCI )
l Shi DZ*, Zhang JL, Hu CY, Zhang C, Li PF. Research and application progress of the supercritical water oxidation technology on waste sludge treatment. Journal of Chemical Industry & Engineering.2017, 68(1): 37-49.( EI )
l Shi DZ*, Wang P, Hu CY, Li PF, Zhang C, Wei YM, Gu L. Synergistic effect of silicon-aluminum addition and seed-induced on stabilization of heavy metals in MSW incineration fly ash during hydrothermal process. Journal of Chemical Industry & Engineering.2018,69(8): 3651-3661.( EI )
l Shen CF, Huang SB, Shi DZ, Zhu YF, Shi JY, Chen XC, Setty K, Chen YX*. Identification of Ah receptor agonists in soil of E-waste recycling sites from Taizhou area in China. Environmental Science & Technology.2008, 42(1): 49-55.(IF =9.028)
l Shen CF, Tang XJ, Yao J, Shi DZ, Fang J, Imran K M, Cheema SA, Chen YX*. Levels and patterns of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls in municipal waste incinerator bottom ash in Zhejiang province, China. Journal of Hazardous Materials.2010, 179: 197-202.(IF =10.588)
l Peng XY, Zhang SY, Li L*, Zhao XF, Ma Y, Shi DZ. Long-term high-solids anaerobic digestion of food waste: effects of ammonia on process performance and microbial community. Bioresource Technology. 2018,262: 148-158.(IF =9.642)
l Zou HJ, Chen YD, Shi JH, Zhao T, Yu Q, Yu SK, Shi DZ, Chai HX, Gu L*, He Q*, Ai HN. Mesophilic anaerobic co-digestion of residual sludge with lignocellulosic biomass in the batch digester. Bioresource Technology. 2018, 268: 371-381.(IF = 9.642)
l Chen YD, Zhao ZY, Zou HJ, Yang HF, Sun T, Li MX, Chai HX, Li L, Ai HN, Shi DZ, He Q, Gu L*. Digestive performance of sludge with different crop straws in mesophilic anaerobic digestion. Bioresource Technology. 2019, 289: 121595.(IF =9.642)
l Chen YD, Yang HF, Zhao ZY, Zou HJ, Jiang Q, Sun T, Li MX, Li L, Shi DZ, Ai HN, He Q, Gu L*. Comprehensively evaluating the digestive performance of sludge with different lignocellulosic components in mesophilic anaerobic digester. Bioresource Technology. 2019, 293: 122042.(IF =9.642)
l Zhu RL. Chen YD, Zhao T, Jiang Q, Wang HQ, Zheng LS, Shi DZ, Zhai J, He Q, Gu L*. Enhanced mesophilic anaerobic co-digestion of waste sludge and food waste by using hematite (alpha-Fe2O3) supported bentonite as additive. Bioresource Technology. 2020, 313:123603 (IF =9.642)
l Wei YM*, Du L, Deng X, Liu XY, Mei XY, Shi DZ. Alkaline-assisted leaching of iron-cyanide complex from contaminated soils. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2018, 354:53-61.(IF =13.273)
l Ao LG, Xia F, Ren Y, Xu J, Shi DZ, Zhang S, Gu L*, He Q*. Enhanced nitrate removal by micro-electrolysis using Ferric and Surfactant modified activated carbon. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2019, 357: 180-187.( IF =13.273)
l Ma H*, Huang LP, Zhang J,Shi DZ, Yang JX. Optical properties of straw-derived dissolved organic matter and growth inhibition ofMicrocystis aeruginosaby straw-derived dissolved organic matter via photo-generated hydrogen peroxide. Environmental Pollution. 2018,242:760-768.(IF =8.071)
l Wei YM*, Li JY, Shi DZ, Liu GT, Zhao YC, Shimaoka T. Environmental challenges impeding the composting of biodegradable municipal solid waste: A critical review. Resources, Conservation & Recycling.2017,122: 51-65.(IF=10.204)
l Chen XY*, Huang XD, Hu B,Shi DZ, Wu WX. Effects of bamboo charcoal and bamboo vinegar on nitrogen conservation and heavy metals immobility during pig manure composting.Chemosphere.2010, 78(9): 1177-1181.(IF =7.086)
l Song NF,XuJ, CaoYP, XiaF, ZhaiJ, AiHN, Shi DZ, Gu L*, He Q. Chemical removal and selectivity reduction of nitrate from water by (nano) zero-valent iron/activated carbon micro-electrolysis.Chemosphere.2020, 125986.(IF =7.086)
l Wei YM*, Wang F, Liu X, Fu PR, Yao RX, Ren TT, Shi DZ, Li YY. Thermal remediation of cyanide-contaminated soils: process optimization and mechanistic study. Chemosphere. 2020. 239: 124707.(IF =7.086)
l Zou HJ, Jiang Q , Zhu RL, Chen YD , Sun T , Li MX, Zha J, Shi DZ, Ai HN, Gu L*, He Q. Enhanced hydrolysis of lignocellulose in corn cob by using food waste pretreatment to improve anaerobic digestion performance. Journal of Environment Management. 2020,254:109830.(IF=6.789)
l Gao M, Li SQ, Zou HJ, Wen FS, Cai AR, Zhu RL, Tian WJ, Shi DZ, Chai HX, Gu L*. Aged landfill leachate enhances anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge. Journal of Environmental Management. 2021. (IF =6.789)
l Tian WJ, Chen YD, Shen YQ, Zhong C,Gao M, Shi DZ, He Q, Gu L*. Effects of hydrothermal pretreatment on the mono- and co -digestion of waste activated sludge and wheat straw. Science of the Total Environment. 2020,732: 139312.(IF =7.963)
l Gao M, Zou HJ, Tian WJ, Shi DZ, Chai HX, He Q, Gu L*. Co-digestive performance of food waste and hydrothermal pretreated corn cob. Science of the Total Environment.2021, 768:144448.(IF =7.963)
l Song NF, Chen ZH, Shi JH, Shi DZ, Gu L*. Performance and mechanism of chelating resin (TP-207) supported Pd/Cu bimetallic nanoparticles in selective reduction of nitrate by using ZVI (Zero Valent Iron) as reductant. Separation and Purification Technology. 2021, 272:118974. (IF =7.312)
l Wang S, Yan C, Zhang XM, Shi DZ, Chi LX*, Luo GX*, Deng J*. Antimicrobial peptides modification enhances the gene delivery and bactericidal efficiency of gold nanoparticles for diabetic wound healing. Biomaterials Science. 2018, 6(10):2757-2772. (IF =6.843)
l Ding Y, Liu YX, Wu WX*, Shi DZ, Yang M. Evaluation of biochar effects on nitrogen retention and leaching in multi-layered soil columns. Water, Air & Soil Pollution.2010, 213(1-3): 47-55.(SCI) Citiations:352
l Tian WJ, Li JH, Zhu LR, Li W, He LY, Gu L*, Deng R*,Shi DZ, Chai HX, Gao M. Insights of enhancing methane production under high-solid anaerobic digestion of wheat straw by calcium peroxide pretreatment and zero valent iron addition. Renewable Energy. 2021, 177:1321-1322. (IF =8.001)
l Luo L*, Zhu LY ,Hong W, Gu JD, Shi DZ, He Y, Xiao YL, Tian D, Zhang SR, Deng SH, Lan T, Deng OP*. Microbial resource limitation and regulation of soil carbon cycle in Zoige Plateau peatland soils. Catena. 2021, 205: 1054787. (IF =5.198)
l Shi DZ*, Li PF, Zhang C, et al. Hydrothermal process for stabilization of heavy metals in MSW incineration fly ash with external silicon-aluminum additive. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering. 2017, 11(1):582-588.
l Shi DZ *, Zhang JL, Zhang C, Li PF. On the research advances in hydrothermal synthesis of zeolite from the coal fly ash. Journal of Safety and Environment. 2016, 16(3): 273-279.
l Shi DZ *,Ma JY, Zhang HB, Wang HL, et al. Research progress on composition of odorants from latrine and its detection and analysis technologies. Environmental Sanitation Engineering. 2021, 29(3): 44-51
l Wei YM, Zhou Y, Shi DZ*. Extraction and characterization of ferromagnetic materials from MSWI bottom ash. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering. 2015, 9(10): 5037-5044.
l Zhou Y, Shi DZ*, Xiang XX, Li PF. The discussion on municipal solid waste classified collection model based on energy analysis. Environmental Science & Technology. 2014, 37(6): 300-303.
l Huang XD, Han ZY, Shi DZ*,Huang X, et al. Nitrogen loss and its control during livestock manure composting. Chinese Journal of Appllied Ecology. 2010, 21(1): 247-254.
l Wang CX, Shi DZ*, Shen CF, et al. Pollution load and risk assessment of livestock manure: A case study in Hangzhou. Acta Science Circumstantiae. 2011, 31(11): 2562-2569.
l Gu M,Wei XX,Li W, Shi DZ, Zhang P, Wang XM*.Occurrence and distribution characteristics of Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances in leachate from municipal solid waste landfills and incineration plants. China Environmental Science. 2020, 40(4), 1555-1562(EI)
Projects, Patents, and Awards
● Technology and demonstration of biomass waste composting and gasification energy utilization. Major Special Sub-project of National Water Pollution Control and Treatment.
● Study on ‘ferromagnetic/nanoferromagnetic’ components of heat treatment residues synergistically simulate landfill biodegradation and in-situ reduction of biochemical pollutants. National Natural Science Foundation of China.
● Study on enhanced denitrification mechanism by coupling of biomass fermentation and kun-based electron transfer in constructed wetland. National Natural Science Foundation of China.
● Gasification technology of combined fermentation of sludge, food waste and organic waste in small and medium-size cities. National Science and Technology support project.
● Research on key technology of rural toilet health security. National key R & D project sub-topics of China.
● Mechanism of heavy metal migration in solid waste incineration ash stabilization process based on model, Special Funds for Basic Scientific Research in Central Universities.
● Mechanism of stabilizing heavy metals in municipal solid waste incineration fly ash by alkaline hydrothermal method. Frontier and Applied Basic Research Project of Chongqing.
● Oxidation degradation mechanism of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in municipal solid waste incineration fly ash in subcritical/supercritical water system. Basic Science and Advanced Technology Research Project of Chongqing.
● Study on gasification technology of combined fermentation of sludge and municipal biomass waste. Special Project for Social Work and People’s Livelihood Security Technology Innovation, Science and Technology Research Project of Chongqing.
● Study on technology and demonstration of comprehensive treatment and disposal of municipal solid waste. National High Technology Research and Development (863) Project.
● Development of series of test equipment of environmental protection for waste treatment. Special Project of Science and Technology of Department of Zhejiang Province.
● Research and demonstration on ecological comprehensive disposal technology of resource of livestock breeding waste. Major Science and Technology Projects of Zhejiang Province.
● Research and development of environmental pollutant monitoring technology and system. Science and Technology Plan Project of Nanjing.
● Research and demonstration on key technology of hazardous waste disposal in Hangzhou. Major Science and Technology Project in Hangzhou.
● Cleaner production audit project of Chongqing municipal second waste incineration plant.
● A comprehensive treatment process for municipal solid waste. ZL200610052079.8
● A comprehensive waste treatment method suitable for villages and towns. ZL200710068139.X
● A high-temperature hydrolysis treatment device for organic solid waste. ZL200710069848.X
● The method of cultivating granular sludge in anaerobic/anoxic-aerobic sequencing batch reactor. ZL200810163174.4
● Integrated physicochemical treatment system for hazardous waste liquid. ZL201110217842.9
● A method of seed crystal induction of hydrothermal stabilization of heavy metals in MSWI fly ash. ZL201610264481.6
● Methods for simultaneous stabilization of heavy metals and degradation of PAHs in MSWI fly ash. ZL201810495561.1
● Catalytic subcritical water oxidation for degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in MSWI fly ash. ZL201910315109.7
● A method for enrichment of iron in waste heat treatment slag. ZL201611239098.1
● A low-temperature heat treatment method for remediation of cyanide contaminated soil. ZL201811196444.1
● A method of hydrothermal treatment for heavy metals in MSWI ash. CN107265470A
● A preparation method of pig manure composting to reduce nitrogen loss. CN101423427A
● A pig manure composting preparation method for rapid heating dehydration and composting time reduction. CN101560114A
● A method for remediation of cyanide-contaminated soil by alkaline solution phase transfer technology. CN107309262A
● A method for treatment of ammonia nitrogen in sewage and immobilized bioreactor. CN106995238A
● A synchronous and stable static treatment method for interaction effect of alkaline residue and municipal sludge. CN109574447A
● A method to improve methane production rate in anaerobic digestion of excess sludge. CN109467299A
● A method for hydrodynamic inhibition of algae on stagnant water surface and a device for its implementation. CN108502974A
● A hydrothermal treatment method for MSWI fly ash. 202010553992.6
● A Cu-HAP-biochar composite material for hydrogen sulfide adsorption and its preparation method. 202110064443.7
● The Second Prize of National Science and technology Progress. Comprehensive Technology of Ecological Recycling and Pollution Reduction of Livestock Waste, 2009.
● The First Prize of Technology Progress of Zhejiang Province. Technology of Efficient Removal and Resource Utilization of Nitrogen and Phosphorus of Aquaculture Wastewater, 2008.