WEI Yunmei
PhD, Associate Professor
Address: Environment Hall, CQU
Email: wym_1982@cqu.edu.cn
● 2001-2005: B.E. in Environmental Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China
● 2005-2007: B.E. in Environmental Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
● 2007-2010: PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering, Kyushu University, Japan
Research Description
Yunmei Wei (1982-) is Associate Professor at Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Environmental Engineering at Chongqing University, Chongqing, China. Dr. Wei obtained her Ph.D. degree (2011) in Environmental Engineering with a concentration on Recycling, Treatment and Disposal of Solid Waste at Department of Urban and Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. Dr. Wei’s research interests and current work include: Stabilization and reutilization of MSWI bottom ash and fly ash, geochemical analysis of landfilled incineration residues focusing on heavy metals leachability, remediation technologies of cyanide polluted soils, interface behavior analysis of pollutants in solid-liquid system, treatment and recycling of cyanide tailings, and persulfate-based oxidation of cyanide pollutants.
● Wei Yunmei,Chen Shuang, Ren Tingting. Effectiveness and mechanism of cyanide remediation from contaminated soils using thermally activated persulfate. Chemosphere, 2022, 292: 133463.
● Yunmei Wei, Fei Wang, Xin Liu, Pengrui Fu, Ruixuan Yao, Tingting Ren, Dezhi Shi, Yunyi Li. Thermal remediation of cyanide-contaminated soils: process optimization and mechanistic study. Chemosphere, 2020, 239:1-9
● Yunmei Wei, Ling Du, Xin Deng, Xiayu Liu, Xiaoxia Mei. Alkaline-assisted leaching of iron-cyanide complex from contaminated soils. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 354 : 53–61
● Yunmei Wei, Xiaoxia Mei, Dezhi Shi, Guotao Liu, Takayuki Shimaoka. Separation and characterization of magnetic fractions from Waste-to-Energy bottom ash with an emphasis on its association with heavy metals. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24:14970–14979.
● Yunmei Wei, Jingyuan Li, Dezhi Shi, Guotao Liu, Youcai Zhao, Takayuki Shimaoka. Environmental challenges impeding the composting of biodegradable municipal solid waste: A critical review. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2017,122:51–65.
● Yunmei Wei, Amirhomayoun Saffarzadeh, Takayuki Shimaoka, Chun Zhao, Xuya Peng, Junmin Gao. Geoenvironmental weathering/deterioration of landfilled MSWI-BA. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2014,278: 610–619.
● Chun Zhao, Yu Zhou, David Johannes de Ridder, Jun Zhai, Yunmei Wei. Advantages of TiO2/5A composite catalyst for photocatalytic degradation of antibiotic oxytetracycline in aqueous solution: Comparison between TiO2 and TiO2/5A composite system. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 248: 280–289.
● Yunmei Wei, Takayuki Shimaoka, Amirhomayoun Saffarzadeh, Takahashi Fumitake. Alteration of municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash focusing on the evolution of iron-rich constituents. Waste Management, 2011, 31:1992-2000.
● Wei Yunmei, Shimaoka Takayuki, Saffarzadeh Amirhomayoun, Takahashi Fumitake. Mineralogical characterization of municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash with an emphasis on heavy metal-bearing phases. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 187(1-3): 534-543.
● National Natural Science Foundation Youth Science Foundation(No. 51308564)