Name: |
XIAO Haiwen |
Gender |
Female |
Date of birth |
March, 25, 1976 |
Place of birth |
Mingshan, Sichuan province, P.R. China |
Address: |
Chongqing University, College of Urban Construction and Environmental Engineering, Shazheng Street No.174, Shapingba District, Chongqing, P.R.China |
Postal Code: |
400045 |
Phone: |
0086-23-6512-7812 (Office and Fax) |
E-mail: |, |
Research field: |
Water and wastewater treatment; Treatment constructed wetland; Treatment and utilization of stormwater. low Impact Development |
July 2014 Visting scholar, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering,
University of Missouri, USA
June 2010 |
Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering, Chongqing University. Dissertation Title: Study on Stormwater Wetland Treating Urban Runoff from highly populated residential area |
December 2001 |
Master of Science, Environmental Engineering, Chongqing University. Thesis Title: Study on the Performance of Horizontal Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland treating Sewage |
July 1999 |
Bachelor of Water and Wastewater Treatment Engineering, Chongqing Jianzhu University. |
Research Projects
2020--present |
Researcher: National Natural Science Foundation of China: Phosphorus Removal Mechanism Based on Interphase Reaction in Constructed wetland using manganese ore as the substrate (Project No. 52000015) |
2019-present |
Researcher: National Natural Science Foundation of China: Mechanism and Significance of Anaerobic Methane Oxidation in Water-level-fluctuating Wetland of Three Gorges Reservoir (Project No. 51878093) |
2012-2015 |
Research leader: National Natural Science Foundation of China: Hydraulics of Non-steady Inflow Constructed Wetland and its effect on pollutant removal (Project No. 51208532) |
2011-2014 |
Researcher: National Natural Science Foundation of China: Dynamic Distribution and migration of Organotin Compounds in Three Gorges Reservoir with the variation of water level (Project No. 21107147) |
2008-present |
Key researcher: Chinese National Water Special Project: Research and demonstration for the urban water pollution control technologies in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area (Project No. 2008ZX07315-006) |
2006-2009 |
Researcher: Research Fund of the Ministry of Education for Doctoral Program of Higher Education: Energy Reallocation in Different Zones of Oxidation Ditch treating sewerage (Project No. 20070611048) |
2003-2008 |
Rresearcher: Netherlands Government Grant Project: Development and demonstration of Feasible Technologies for Environmental Infrastructure (FTEI) in China’s western small cities |
Design Projects
2022 |
Designer: Constructed wetland system in Runxi wastewater treatment plant(treatment scales 600m3/d), Chongqing. Constructed wetland system in Luming wastewater treatment plant(treatment scales 500m3/d), Chongqing. |
2020 |
Principal designer: Nanhu Lake constructed wetland system for agriculture runoff control in the Town of Nanpeng, Chongqing (treatment scales: 6000m3/d in dry season and 9000m3/d in wet season) |
2018 |
Designer: Chayuan Water Park constructed wetland system for urban runoff treatment, Nanan District, Chongqing (contributing watershed: 27.0 hectare) |
2018 |
Principal designer: Palm-spring constructed wetland system EW2 for stormwater runoff treatment and reuse in Palm-spring residential area, Chongqing (contributing watershed: 21.0 hectare) |
2017 |
Conceptual designer for stormwater utilization: Sustainable water system in DSM (China) Campus(Chinese first LEED Gold-certified building) |
2016 |
Conceptual designer: Sustainable water system in CMRE Panyu Jinshan Project |
2015 |
Principal designer: Palm-spring constructed wetland system EW1 for stormwater runoff treatment and reuse in Palm-spring residential area, Chongqing (contributing watershed is 18.9 hectare) |
International Exchanges
November 2016 |
Attended the 1th International Conference on Contaminated Land, Ecological Assessment and Remediation on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control in Hangzhou, China. |
August 2014 |
Visited Wageningen University, Netherland. |
October 2013 |
Attended the 12th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control in Venice, Italy. |
November 2010 |
Attended the13th World Lake Conference in Wuhan, China. |
[1] XIAO Haiwen, LIU Xintong, ZHAI Jun, et al.(2021) Type Selection of Constructed Wetlands and Related Design Case Analysis, China Water & Wastewater, 37(22): 11-17.
[2] XIAO Haiwen, MEN Lingjian, CHEN Shuiping, et al.(2020) Case Study on the Water System Design of Sponge City Stormwater Wetland Park, China Water & Wastewater, 36(22): 160-166.
[3] LIU Wenbo, XIAO Haiwen, MA Hongpu, et al.(2020) Reduction of methane emissions from manganese-rich constructed wetlands: Role of manganese-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation, Chemical engineering journal,387.
[4] XIAO Haiwen, GAO Lina, TAN Junlian, et al.(2019) Wet Season Operational Characteristics of Constructed Wetland for Water Source Protection Project of Nanhu Lake in Chongqing City, China Water & Wastewater,35(15): 77-81.
[5] XIAO Haiwen, DAI Lei, REN Lirong, et al.(2018) Case and Design of Retention Volume of Wetland for Stormwater Treatment in Sponge City, China Water & Wastewater, 34(18): 53-57+65.
[6] XIAO Haiwen, TAN Junlian, ZhaiJun, et al.(2018) Flow Pattern of Constructed Wetland under Unsteady Inflow Conditions and its Effect on Residence Time, Research of Environmental Sciences, 31(2): 328-336.
[7] ZHAI Jun, WANG Quanfeng, ZHOU Jinson, XIAO Haiwen, et al.(2017) Decolorization of anthraquinone dye Reactive Blue 4 by natural manganese mineral, Desalination and Water Treatment, 63: 254-261.
[8] ZHAI Jun, Rahaman Hasibur, JI Jiucui, XIAO Haiwen, et al.(2016) Plant uptake of diclofenac in a mesocosm-scale free water surface constructed wetland by Cyperus alternifolius; Water science and technology, 73 (12): 3008-3016.
[9] ZHAI Jun, HUANG Zejin, Rahaman Md Hasibur, XIAO Haiwen, et al.(2016) Comparison of coagulation pretreatment of produced water from natural gas well by polyaluminium chloride and polyferric sulphate coagulants, Environmental Technology, 38(10): 1-11.
[10] ZHAI Jun, Rahaman Md Hasibur, CHENG Xing, XIAO Haiwen, et al.(2016) New nitrogen removal pathways in a full-scale hybrid constructed wetland proposed from high-throughput sequencing and isotopic tracing results, Ecological Engineering: X, 97: 434-443.
[11] XIAO Haiwen, ZHANG Shengli, ZHAI Jun, et. al.(2013) Retention and distribution of Cu, Pb, Cr, and Zn in a full-scale hybrid constructed wetland receiving municipal sewage, Water science and technology, 67(10): 2257-2264.
[12] ZHAI Jun, XIAO Haiwen, Kujawa-Roeleveld K., et al. (2011). Experimental study of a novel hybrid constructed wetland for water reuse and its application in Southern China [J].Water Science and Technology 64(11):2177-2184.
[13] XIAO Haiwen, ZHAI Jun, DENG Rongsen, et al. (2011). Study on the Flow pattern of Horizontal Subsurface Constructed Wetland Under inflow shock load Condition [J]. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae 31(4):731-737. (In Chinese)
[14] XIAO Haiwen, ZHAI Jun, WANG Tao, et al. (2012). Phosphorus Removal Mechanisms of Constructed Wetland under stochastic intermittent inflow[J]. Journal of civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering 34(4):105-110.(In Chinese)
[15] XIAO Haiwen, ZHAI Jun, DENG Rongsen, et al. (2012). Modeling the residence Time Distribution of constructed Wetland [J]. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae 32(12):2998-3005. (In Chinese)
[16] XIAO Haiwen, DENG Rongsen, ZHAI Jun, et al. (2006). Effect of DO Distribution on the Performance of Constructed Wetland Treating Contaminated Urban Stream Water [J]. Environment Science 27 (12): 2426-2431. (In Chinese)
[17] XIAO Haiwen, YAN Niaofei, ZHAI Jun, et al. (2010). Lead Removal Performance of a Constructed Wetland Treating Stormwater Runoff in an Urban Residential Area [J]. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering 4(8):1799-1804. (In Chinese)
[18] XIAO Haiwen, ZHAI Jun, DENG Rongsen, ,et al. (2007). Design of the Shallow Grass Trench for Road Runoff Treatment and Infiltration in an Eco-residential Area. Water & Wastewater 33 (3):33-36. (In Chinese)
[19] XIAO Haiwen, ZHAI Jun, DENG Rongsen, et al. (2008). Performance of the Constructed Wetland Treating Stormwater Runoff in an Eco-residential Area [J]. China Water & Wastewater 24 (11):34-38. (In Chinese)
[20] DENG Rongsen, XIAO Haiwen, WANG Tao, et al. (2001). Application of Integrated Oxidation Ditch in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant [J]. China Water & Wastewater 27 (4): 1-4. (In Chinese)
[21] ZHAI Jun, XIAO Haiwen, JIN Jong, et al. (2007). Design of an Alternate-running Sand Filter for Rainwater Treatment in a Eco-residential Area[J]. China Water & Wastewater 23 (16): 57-60. (In Chinese)
[22] ZHAI Jun, HE Qiang, XIAO Haiwen, et al. (2007). GIS-based Fuzzy Comprehensive Water Quality Assessment Model [J]. Chongqing University Journal. 30 (8): 49-53. (In Chinese)
[23] ZHAI Jun, HE Qiang, XIAO Haiwen, et al. (2007). Analysis of Technical Requirement for Municipal Water and Wastewate Treatment in Chinese Western Small Towns [J]. China Water & Wastewater 23 (4):18-21. (In Chinese)
[24] ZHAI Jun, XIAO Haiwen, ZHANG Xinyin, et al. (2007). Study on the treatment effeciency of a new roof-runoff filter designed for Eco-houses [J]. China Water & Wastewater 22 (21):18-21. (In Chinese)
[25] ZHAI Jun, HE Qiang, XIAO Haiwen. (2006). Design for Lugu Lake Wastewater Treatment Plant Project in Liangshan Prefecture [J]. China Water & Wastewater 22 (2):44-47. (In Chinese)
[26] JIANG Shanquan, ZHAI Jun, XIAO Haiwen, et al. (2008). Study on Simultaneous Biological Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal in a New Sequencing Batch Biofilm Reactor System [J]. Journal of Sichuan University. 40 (1):64-68. (In Chinese)
Awards and Patents
[1] ZHAI Jun, Qiang he, Haiwen xiao, Weiping sima, Wuqiang wei. Waste water disposal system of hybrid constructed wetland: Vertical-Baffled flow Wetland (VBFW)+ Horizontal Subsurface Flow Wetland (HSFW). Chinese Patent, No. ZL 2005 1 0057047.2.
[2] ZHAI Jun, Qiang he, Haiwen xiao. Waste water disposal system of hybrid constructed wetland: Vertical-Baffled flow Wetland+ Horizontal Subsurface Flow Wetland. China Excellent Patent Award, 2011, National intellectual property protection, China.