Cheng Cheng, PhD
Associated Professor
Office: 424 at Environment Hall
Email: ccheng@cqu.edu.cn
l2012 – 2019: PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan, China.
l2017 – 2018: Student intern in Environmental Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States.
l2008 – 2012: B.E. in Environmental Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan, China.
Research Description
Dr. Chengis an associated Professor of Water Science & Engineering at the College of Environment and Ecology, Chongqing University, China. She has been engaged in the research and practice of constructed wetlands and anaerobic methane oxidation, water environment protection and treatment technology since 2012. Dr. Cheng has published more than 30 peer-reviewed papers. She is the member of International Water Association and Chinese Chemical Society. Dr. Cheng won the first prize of Science and Technology Progress Award of Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China as the 15th accomplisher. Throughout her academic career, Dr. Cheng has been a dedicated educator of future environmental engineers. She is involved in the advisement of both graduate and undergraduate engineering students.
1.Cheng C., He Q., Zhang J., Chai H., Yang Y., Pavlostathis S.G., Wu H. 2022. New insight into ammonium oxidation processes and mechanisms mediated by manganese oxide in constructed wetlands.Water Research,215: 118251.
2.Cheng C., Zhang J., He Q., Wu H., Chen Y., Xie H. and Pavlostathis S.G. 2021. Exploring simultaneous nitrous oxide and methane sink in wetland sediments under anoxic conditions.Water Research,194: 116958.
3.Wu H., Wang R., Yan P., Wu S., Chen Z., Zhao Y.,Cheng C., Hu Z., Zhuang L., Guo Z., Xie H. and Zhang J. 2023.Constructed wetlands for pollution control.Nature Reviews Earth & Environment,4: 218-234.
4.Cheng C., Bai X., Zhang J. and He Q. 2022. Intensified interactions of triclosan and diclofenac mitigation and nitrogen removal in manganese oxide constructed wetlands.Chemical Engineering Journal,433: 134493.
5.Cheng C., He Q., Zhang J., Chen B., Pavlostathis S.G. 2022. Is the role of aerobic methanotrophs underestimated in methane oxidation under hypoxic conditions?Science of the Total Environment,833: 155244.
6. Liu H.,Cheng C., and Wu H. 2021. Sustainable utilization of wetland biomass for activated carbon production: A review on recent advances in modification and activation methods.Science of the Total Environment,790: 148214.
7.Cheng C., Sun T., Li H., He Q., Pavlostathis S. G., and Zhang J. 2021. New insights in correlating greenhouse gas emissions and microbial carbon and nitrogen transformations in wetland sediments based on genomic and functional analysis.Journal of Environmental Management,297: 113280.
8.Bai X., He Q., Li H., Xu Q. andCheng C.2022. Response of CO2and CH4transport to damming: A case study of Yulin River in the Three Gorges Reservoir, China.Environmental Research,208:112733.
9.Cheng C., Zhang J., Xu J., Yang Y.J.; Bai X.X., He Q. 2022. Enhanced removal of nutrients and diclofenac by birnessite sand vertical flow constructed wetlands.Journal of Water Process Engineering,46: 102656.
10.Cheng C.Shen X.X., Xie H.J., Hu Z., Pavlostathis S. G. and Zhang J. 2019.Coupled methane and nitrous oxide biotransformation in freshwater wetland sediment microcosms.Science of the Total Environment,648: 916-922.
11.Cheng C., Liu H., Dai P., Shen X.X., Zhang J., Zhao T.Y. and Zhu Z.R. 2016. Microwave-assisted preparation and characterization of mesoporous activated carbon from mushroom roots by phytic acid (C6H18O24P6) activation.Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers,67: 532-537.
12.Cheng C., Zhang J., Mu Y., Gao J.H., Feng Y.L., Liu H., Guo Z.Z. and Zhang C.L. 2014.Preparation and evaluation of activated carbon with different polycondensed phosphorus oxyacids (H3PO4, H4P2O7, H6P4O13and C6H18O24P6) activation employing mushroom roots as precursor.Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,108: 41-46.
13.Cheng C., Xie H.J., Yang E., Shen X.X., Dai P. and Zhang J. 2016.Nutrient removal and microbial mechanisms in constructed wetland microcosms treating high nitrate/nitrite polluted river water.RSCAdvances,6: 70848-70854.
14.Cheng C., Zhang J., Zhang C.L., Liu H. and Liu W.F. 2014.Preparation and characterization of charcoal from feathers and its application in trimethoprim adsorption.Desalination and Water Treatment,52: 5401-5412.
15. Dykstra C. M.,Cheng C., & Pavlostathis S. G. 2020. Comparison of Carbon Dioxide with Anaerobic Digester Biogas as a Methanogenic Biocathode Feedstock.Environmental Science & Technology,54(14), 8949-8957.
16. Yao D., Dai N., Hu X.,Cheng C., Xie H., Hu Z., Liang S., Zhang J. 2023 New insights into the effects of wetland plants on nitrogen removal pathways in constructed wetlands with low C/N ratio wastewater: Contribution of partial denitrification-anammox.Water research243:120277.
17. Yan, J., Hu, X., He, Q., Qin, H., Yi, D., Lv, D.,Cheng C., Zhao YQ.& Chen, Y. 2021. Simultaneous enhancement of treatment performance and energy recovery using pyrite as anodic filling material in constructed wetland coupled with microbial fuel cells.Water Research, 117333.
18. Bai, X.,Cheng C., Xu Q., Tang B., He Q. & Li H.2022.Regulating autogenic vegetation in the riparian zone reduces carbon emissions: Evidence from a microcosm study.Science of The Total Environment, 840: 156715.
19. Bai, X., Xu, Q., Li, H.,Cheng C., & He, Q. 2021. Lack of methane hotspot in the upstream dam: Case study in a tributary of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China.Science of The Total Environment,754, 142151.
20. Qin C., Yao D.,Cheng C., Xie H., Hu Z., Zhang J. 2022. Influence of iron species on the simultaneous nitrate and sulfate removal in constructed wetlands under low/high COD concentrations.Environmental Research212:113453.
21. Dykstra, C. M.,Cheng, C., & Pavlostathis, S. G.Bioelectrochemical Systems for Anaerobic Digester Biogas Upgrading.(会议)
22. Liu W.F., Zhang J.,Cheng C., Tian G.P. and Zhang C.L. (2011). Ultrasonic-assisted sodium hypochlorite oxidation of activated carbons for enhanced removal of Co(II) from aqueous solutions.Chemical Engineering Journal175, 24-32.
23. Gao Q., Liu H.,Cheng C., Li K.Y., Zhang J., Zhang C.L. and Li Y.R (2013). Preparation and characterization of activated carbon from wool waste and the comparison of muffle furnace and microwave heating methods.Powder Technology2013, 234-240.
24. Liu H., Zhang J., Bao N.,Cheng C.,Ren L. and Zhang C.L. (2012). Textural properties and surface chemistry of lotus stalk-derived activated carbons prepared using different phosphorus oxyacids: Adsorption of trimethoprim.Journal of Hazardous Materials235-236, 367-375.
25. Liu H., Zhang J., Zhang C.L., Bao N. andCheng C.(2013). Activated carbons with well-developed microporosity and high surface acidity prepared from lotus stalks by organophosphorus compounds activations.Carbon60, 289-291.
26. Liu H., Zhang J., Jiang L., Kang Y.,Cheng C., Guo Z.Z. and Zhang C.L. (2015) Development of carbon adsorbents with high surface acidic and basic group contents from phosphoric acid activation of xylitol.RSC Advances5, 81220-81228.
27. Guo Z.Z., Bian X., Zhang J., Liu H.,Cheng C., Zhang C.L. and Wang J. (2014) Activated carbons with well-developed microporosity prepared from Phragmites australis by potassium silicate activation.Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers45, 2801–2804.
28. Liu H., Zhang J., Liu W.F., Bao N.,Cheng C.,Ren L. and Zhang C.L. (2012) Preparation and characterization of activated charcoals from a new source: Feather.Materials Letters87, 17–19.
29. Kang Y., Zhang J., Xie H.J., Guo Z.Z., Li P.F.,Cheng C.and Lv L. (2016) Enhancement of the performance of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment in winter: the effect of Tubifex tubifex.RSC Advances6, 34841-34848.
30. Liu H., Dai P., Zhang P., Zhang C.L., Bao N.,Cheng C.and Ren L. (2013) Preparation and evaluation of activated carbons from lotus stalk with trimethyl phosphate and tributyl phosphate activation for lead removal.Chemical Engineering Journal228, 425–434.
31. Liu H., Zhang J., Ngo. H.H., Guo W.S., Wu H.M.,Cheng C., Guo Z.Z. and Zhang C. L. (2015)Carbohydrate-based activated carbon with high surface acidity and basicity for nickel removal from synthetic wastewater.RCS Advances5, 52048-52056.
32. Liu H., Wang X. Z., Zhai G. Y., Zhang J., Zhang C.L., Bao N. andCheng C.(2012) Preparation of activated carbon from lotus stalks with the mixture of phosphoric acid and pentaerythritol impregnation and its application for Ni(II) sorption.Chemical Engineering Journal209, 155–162.
33. Liu H., Zhang J., Ngo. H.H., Guo W.S., Wu H.M.,Cheng C., Guo Z.Z. and Zhang C. L. (2015) Effect on physical and chemical characteristics of activated carbon on adsorption of trimethoprim: mechanisms study.RCS Advances5, 85187-86195.
Projects, Patents, and Awards(选填)
lNational Natural Science Foundation of China:Mechanism exploration of methane and nitrous oxide synergistic reduction driven by manganese-amended reclaimed water ecological treatment facilities (52370095), 2024-2026.
lNational Natural Science Foundation of China:Mechanism exploration of simultaneous methane and nitrous oxide biochemical transformation in wetland sediments(52100112), 2022-2024.
lNational Natural Science Foundation of China: Study on enhanced removal of trace organic pollutants driven by iron plaque in plant roots of constructed wetlands (51978385), 2020-2023, Major participant.
lNational Natural Science Foundation of China: Exploration of a new pathway of N2O-dependent anaerobic oxidation of methane in constructed wetlands (5157831), 2016-2019, Major participant.
l2019, First Prize ofScience and Technology Progress Award of Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China:Key technologies and applications of water purification in constructed wetlands based on biological regulation (2018-204), the 15thaccomplisher.