PhD, Professor
Address: Environment Hall, CQU
Email: chenyi8574@cqu.edu.cn
● 2004-2008: B.E., Water Supply &.Drainage Engineering, Chongqing University.
● 2008-2013: Ph.D., Environmental Engineering, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University.
Research Description
Yi Chen is a professor in the College of Environment and Ecology of Chongqing University. His research interests lie in the constructed wetlands for wastewater reuse. Now, He is the Associate Editor of Ecological Engineering and the Early Career Editorial Board of the FESE, CCL and JHM Advances. He served as the Young Water Professional Affiliate of the “Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control” Specialist Group of IWA. At present, he has published about 70 articles on the journal including ES&T, Water Research.
(1) Yang, X., He, Q., Guo, F., Sun, X., Zhang, J., Chen, M., Vymazal, J., Chen, Y.*,. Nanoplastics Disturb Nitrogen Removal in Constructed Wetlands: Responses of Microbes and Macrophytes. Environmental Science & Technology, 54(21), 2020, 14007-14016.
(2) Bi, M, He, Q., Chen, Y.*,. What roles are terrestrial plants playing in global microplastic cycling? Environmental Science & Technology, 59(9), 2020, 5325-5327.
(3) Chen, Y., Wen, Y*., Zhou, J., Zhou, Q., Vymazal, J., Kuschk, P. Transformation of Chloroform in Model Treatment Wetlands: From Mass Balance to Microbial Analysis. Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49 (10), 6198-6205.
(4) Chen, Y., Vymazal, J*. Comment on "Enhanced long-term nitrogen removal and its quantitative molecular mechanism in tidal flow constructed wetlands". Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49 (18), 11241-11242.
(5) Su, X., Chen, Y.*, Wang, Y., Yang, X., He, Q*. Impacts of chlorothalonil on denitrification and N2O emission in riparian sediments: Microbial metabolism mechanism. Water Research, 2019, 148, 188-197.
(6) Chen, Y., Wen,Y*., Zhou, Q., Huang, J., Vymazal, J., Kuschk, P. Sulfate removal and sulfur transformation in constructed wetlands: The roles of filling material and plant biomass. Water Research, 2016, 102, 572-581.
(7) Chen, Y., Wen,Y*., Tang, Z., Li, L., Cai, Y., Zhou, Q. Removal processes of disinfection byproducts in subsurface-flow constructed wetlands treating secondary effluent. Water Research, 2014, 51, 163-171.
(8) Chen, Y., Wen,Y*., Zhou, J., Tang, Z., Li, L., Zhou, Q. Vymazal, J. Effects of cattail biomass on sulfate removal and carbon sources competition in subsurface-flow constructed wetlands treating secondary effluent. Water Research, 2014, 59, 1-10.
(9) Chen, Y., Wen,Y*., Zhou, Q., Vymazal, J. Effects of plant biomass on nitrogen transformation in subsurface-batchconstructed wetlands: a stable isotope and mass balance assessment. Water Research, 2014, 63, 158-167.
(10) Yan J., Hu X., He Q., Qin H., Yi D., Lv D., Cheng C., Zhao Y., Chen Y*. Simultaneous enhancement of treatment performance and energy recovery using pyrite as anodic filling material in constructed wetland coupled with microbial fuel cells. Water Research, 2021, 201, 117333.
● Host the National Natural Science Foundation Science Foundation(No. 52170150, 51978099 and 51708056)
● Host the National Major Program of Pollution Control-Treatment Science and Technology (2017ZX07401003-4)
● Host the Research Funds for the Central University of China (106112017CDJXY210005)
● The First prize of the Science and Technology Progress Award, Chongqing, 2020,
● The National Water Environment and Water Ecology Youth Medal Nomination Award, 2020
● Outstanding Paper Award of the National Water Treatment and Recycling Academic Conference, 2020