Professor, PhD, MSc, BSc
Office: Room201, Environment Hall
Email: c.yang@cqu.edu.cn
Tel:+86(0)23 65120755
■ 2003 – 2007: PhD (Water Engineering), Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK.
■ 1997 – 1999: MSc (Municipal Engineering), Chongqing Jianzhu University, Chongqing, China.
■ 1993 – 1997: BSc (Water & Wastewater Engineering), Chongqing Jianzhu University, Chongqing, China.
Work Experience
■ 2021 – present: Vice Dean, College of Environment & Ecology, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China
■ 2018 – present: Professor, School of Urban Construction and Environmental Engineering (College of Environment & Ecology since 2019), Chongqing University, Chongqing, China.
■ 2007 – 2010: Associate Professor, School of Urban Construction and Environmental Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China.
■ 2013 – 2021: Deputy Director, Office of Human Resources, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China.
■ 2000 – 2003: Lecturer, Faculty of Urban Construction and Environmental Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China.
Research Description
Dr. YANG Chun got his PhD at Loughborough University in the UK under the supervision of Prof. Andrew Wheatley, and he is currently the Professor and Vice Dean of College of Environment and Ecology at Chongqing University. Dr. YANG is the author of over 50 peer-reviewed publications, and his research interests include: water reuse and reclamation, emerging contaminants (e.g. EDCs, POPs etc.) removal in sewage treatment process, operation optimization of STWs, etc.
● Wu ZS, Xu F, Yang C*, et al. Highly efficient nitrate removal in a heterotrophic denitrification system amended with redox-active biochar: A molecular and electrochemical mechanism[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 275: 297-306.
● Li G, Zhong ZH, Yang C*, et al. Degradation of Acid Orange 7 by peroxymonosulfate activated by cupric oxide[J]. Journal of Water Supply Research and Technology-Aqua, 2019, 68(1): 29-38.
● Gao P, Yang C*, Liang ZJ, et al. N-propyl functionalized spherical mesoporous silica as a rapid and efficient adsorbent for steroid estrogen removal: Adsorption behaviour and effects of water chemistry[J]. Chemosphere, 2019, 214: 361-370.
● Gao P, Liang ZJ, Zhao Z W, YANG C*. Enhanced adsorption of steroid estrogens by one-pot synthesized phenyl-modified mesoporous silica: Dependence on phenyl-organosilane precursors and pH condition[J]. Chemosphere, 2019, 234: 438-449.
● Zhao ZW, Zhao JH, Yang C*. Efficient removal of ciprofloxacin by peroxymonosulfate/Mn3O4-MnO2 catalytic oxidation system[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 327: 481-489.
● Yang C*, Hu B, Wheatley A, et al. Removal characteristics of steroid estrogens in trickling filters[J]. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2009, 16: 357-362.
● Yang C*, Hu B, Wheatley A D. Quantification of steroid oestrogens in wastewater treatment by ELISA kits with an improved sample pretreatment protocol[M]. 2008: 323-328.
● Wang WH, Hu BB, Wang C, Liang Z, Cui F, Yang C. Cr(VI) removal by micron-scale iron-carbon composite induced by ball milling: The role of activated carbon[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 389.
● Lin RY, Liang ZJ, Yang C,et al. Selective adsorption of organic pigments on inorganically modified mesoporous biochar and its mechanism based on molecular structure[J]. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2020, 573: 21-30.
● Yu WW, Du BH, Yang L, Yang C, Yuan S, Zhang M. Occurrence, sorption, and transformation of free and conjugated natural steroid estrogens in the environment[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26(10): 9443-9468.
● Lin RY, Liang ZJ, Yang C,et al. Selective and enhanced adsorption of the monosubstituted benzenes on the Fe-modified MCM-41: Contribution of the substituent groups[J]. Chemosphere, 2019, 237.
● Huang YW, Yang C, Wen CC,et al. S-type Dissolved Oxygen Distribution along Water Depth in a Canyon-shaped and Algae Blooming Water Source Reservoir: Reasons and Control[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16(6).
● Ai HN, Qiu YX, He Q, He Yi, Yang C, et al. Turn the potential greenhouse gases into biomass in harmful algal blooms waters: A microcosm study[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 655: 520-528.
● Zhao ZW, Geng C, Yang C, et al. A novel flake-ball-like magnetic Fe3O4/gamma-MnO2 meso-porous nano-composite: Adsorption of fluorinion and effect of water chemistry[J]. Chemosphere, 2018, 209: 173-181.
● Huangfu XL, Ma CX, Ma J, et al. Effective removal of trace thallium from surface water by nanosized manganese dioxide enhanced quartz sand filtration[J]. Chemosphere, 2017, 189: 1-9.
● Huangfu X L, Ma CX, Ma J, et al. Significantly improving trace thallium removal from surface waters during coagulation enhanced by nanosized manganese dioxide[J]. Chemosphere, 2017, 168: 264-271.
● Tang X M, Zheng HL, Teng HK, et al. An alternative method for preparation of polyaluminum chloride coagulant using fresh aluminum hydroxide gels: Characterization and coagulation performance[J]. Chemical Engineering Research & Design, 2015, 104: 208-217.
● Liu L W, Zheng H L, Yang C, et al. Matrix-Assisted Photochemical Vapor Generation for the Direct Determination of Mercury in Domestic Wastewater by Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry[J]. Spectroscopy Letters, 2014, 47(8): 604-610.
● Zheng H L, Fan W, Xie W Y,et al. Catalytic Spectrophotometric Determination of Ultra Trace-level Copper(II) with Indigo Carmine[J]. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2013, 25(17): 9547-9550.
● Zheng HL, Fang HL, Jiang SJ, et al. Preparation and Structural Analysis of Diatomite-Supported SPFS Flocculant [J]. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2011, 31(7): 1917-1921.
● YANG C, ZHENG XY, YAN L, et al. Study on the phosphorus adsorption, ammonia adsorption and nitrifying characteristics of several soil amendment materials. Journal of Agro-Environment Science. 2008, 27(5), 2013-2017. (in Chinese)
● YANG C, HU Bibo, ZHANG Zhi. Removal of steroid oestrogens in sewage treatment processes[J]. China Water &. Wastewater. 2008, 24(8):1-5. (in Chinese)
● YANG C, HU B, ZHENG H. (2008) Stability tests of oestrone, 17β-oestradiol and 17α-ethinyl oestradiol in wastewater samples[J]. Chemical Research & Development. 2008. 20(8):967-971. (in Chinese)
● YANG C, HU B, WHEATLEY A. (2009) Quantification of oestrone in wastewater matrice by ELISA kits[J]. Journal of Chongqing University (Natural Science Edition), 2009, 32(6):716-720. (in Chinese)
● YANG C, HU B, WHEATLEY A. Comparison of styrene divinyl benzen and graphitized carbon black solid phase extraction in oestrogen quantification in seweage[J]. Journal of Chongqing University (Natural Science Edition). 2009, 32(12):1446-1450. (in Chinese)
● YANG C, HU B, WHEATLEY A, GLASGOW G (2009) Removal characteristics of steroid estrogens in trickling filters. Journal of Central South University of Technology. 16(sl):357-362.
● YANG C, SHEN F, ZHANG Z, LIU S, ZHOU J. Optimization of operation parameters of CAST process in low temperature period [J] China Water & Wastewater. 2011, 27(19):21-23 (in Chinese)
● WAN Q, YANG C, ZHANG Z, LIAN P, YI Z. Application of response surface method in the quantification for steroid estrogens using HPLC-MS-MS [J]. Journal of Chongqing University, (Natural Science Edition). 34(5):105-111. (in Chinese)
● SHEN F, YANG C, ZHANG Z, LIU S, ZHOU J. Production study of oxidation-reduction potential in CAST process. Technology of Water Treatment, 2011, 37(1):55-57 (in Chinese)
● HU B, YANG C, ZHANG Z, WAN Q, LIAN P, GUO F. Distribution characteristics of steroid estrogens in a typical urban section of Jialing River. China Water & Wastewater. [J] 2011, 27(21):54-58 (in Chinese).
● “Removal mechanisms of steroid estrogens in sewage tertiary filtration based on the analysis of particle characteristics”, supported by National Natural & Science Foundation of China (No.50808183), 2009-2011.
l “Activating mechanisms of conjugated estrogens based on the analysis of the activity of arylsulphatase”, supported by National Natural & Science Foundation of China (No. 41101492); 2012-2014
● “Removal mechanisms of steroid estrogens by typical sewage treatment processes in Three Gorges Reservoir Region of China”, supported by Natural & Science Foundation of Chongqing Municipality of China (No. CSTC2009BB0030), 2009-2012.
l “Releasing mechanisms of the estrogenic activity of sulphated estrones at the river sediment-water interface”, supported by the Doctoral Program of Ministry of Education, China, 2012-2014.
l “Performance improvement of CASS process for sewage treatment”, supported by State Special Projects of China in Water Pollution Remediation(2009ZX07315-002-01-03), 2009-2011.
l “Key technologies and engineering demonstrations of the coordinated operation of wastewater loop interception and remediation at Dianchi Lake”, supported by State Special Projects of China in Water Pollution Remediation(2012ZX07102001-003), 2013-2018.
l “Integration and demonstration of general remediation technologies for typical urban waterbody”, supported by Special Projects of Science and Technology Bureau of Chongqing (No. cstc2015shms-ztzx0053), 2016-2021.
l “Removal characteristics of steroid estrogens in water by combined reactor of bio-filtration and embedded nitrifying pellets”, supported by Special Projects of Science and Technology Bureau of Chongqing (No. cstc2015shmszx0632), 2016-2020
l “Industrial reuse of greywater in Chongqing brewery”, supported by Municipal Management Bureau of Chongqing, 2009-2011.
l Huaxia Construction Technology Award (Premium Grade) of China, 2019
l CIWEM Young Researcher Competition Geoff Greaves Triumph, Brighton, UK, 2005,
l Award of Scientific & Technical Progress (The 3rd Grade) of Chongqing Municipality, 2000
l Adsorption removal of ethinyl estradiol by discarded wool (ZL201110069586.3)
l Emergent adjusting measures in coping with the abnormal influence for CASS process of sewage treatment ( ZL201210333726.8)
l A embedded pellet and its application in the removal of estrodiol in sewage treatment (ZL201410248526.1)
l A production method of mesoporous silica and its application in the removal of steroid estrogens (ZL201810475117.3).