CHAI HongXiang
PhD, Professor
Office: 334 at Environment Hall
Email: chaihx@126.com
● 2014-present: Professor, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China.
● 2010-2014: Associate Professor, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China.
● 2009-2010: lecturer , Chongqing University, Chongqing, China.
● 2005 – 2008: PhD in Municipal Engineering , Chongqing University, Chongqing, China.
● 2002 – 2005: MA.Eng in Municipal Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China.
● 1998 – 2002: B.E. in Water Supply and Drainage Engineering , Chongqing University, Chongqing, China.
Research Description
Professor Chai was selected as leading talent in scientific and technological innovation of the National "Ten Thousand Talents Program" and is the deputy director of the Key Laboratory of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region ' s Eco-Environment of the Ministry of Education. He has been engaged in the research and practice of sponge city and urban pipe network construction, water environment protection and treatment technology for a long time. He presided over 7 national-level projects such as National Key R&D Program Projects, National Program for Key Scientific and Technological Project, published more than 60 SCI papers, including 4 highly cited papers, obtained more than 40 US and Chinese invention patents, compiled 7 countries/industry /Local/Organization Standards. He won the first prize of Chongqing Science and Technology Progress Award as the first accomplisher, and won the Chongqing First Innovation Competition Advanced Individual Award and Chongqing Youth Science and Technology Award. Professor Chai concurrently serves as the executive director of the Construction and Municipal Engineering Product Application Branch of the China Engineering Construction Standardization Association, the executive director of the Construction Water Supply and Drainage Branch of the China Urban Water Supply and Drainage Association, and a member of the National Construction Water-saving Product Standardization Technical Committee.
● Zheng Kong, Yunqian Song, Zhiyu Shao*, Hongxiang Chai*. Biochar-pyrite bi-layer bioretention system for dissolved nutrient treatment and by-product generation control under various stormwater conditions. Water Research.2021, 206,117737.
● Xiang Yu, Shao Zhiyu, Chai Hongxiang*, Ji Fangying, He Qiang. Functional microorganisms and enzymes related nitrogen cycle in the biofilm performing simultaneous nitrification and denitrification. Bioresource technology. 2020, 314, 123697.
● Hongxiang Chai*, Yu Xiang, Rong Chen, Zhiyu Shao, Li Gu, Li Li, Qiang He. Enhanced simultaneous nitrification and denitrification in treating low carbon-to-nitrogen ratio wastewater: Treatment performance and nitrogen removal pathway. Bioresource technology. 2019, 28: 51-58.
● Chunhong Liang, Xiaodan Zhang, Ping Feng, Hongxiang Chai*, Yuming Huang*. ZIF-67 derived hollow cobalt sulfide as superior adsorbent for effective adsorption removal of ciprofloxacin antibiotics. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 344: 95-104..
● National Natural Science Foundation of China:Mechanism of enhanced Sulfur-based autotrophic denitrification treating stormwater runoff with external organic carbon source and its system construction(52070026), 2021-2024.
● National Natural Science Foundation of China:Study on N removal pathways of the bioretension treating urban runoff synergized with sulfur autotrophic denitrification(51878094), 2019-2022.
● National key research and development program:Integration and application of water cycle evolution mechanism and water security technology in the Three Gorges Reservoir area(2017YFC0404700).
● National Key Research and Development Program:Research and demonstration of non-point source pollution control and stormwater management technology in mountainous cities(2017YFC0404704).
● The National Program for Key Scientific and Technological Project:Study and demonstration of low impact development stormwater systems for green buildings and communities(2010ZX07320-001).
● National Science and Technology Support Program:Integrated research and demonstration of key technologies for carbon reduction in urban water system(2011BAJ07B03).
● National Natural Science Foundation of China:The comprehensive influence mechanism of salting-out and halophilic bacteria on membrane fouling of MBR treatment of high-salt wastewater(51008318).
● US9840428B2,System for treating and recycling rainwater. First inventor .
● US9764974B2,System for reducing emission of nitrous oxide during sewage treatment. First inventor .
● ZL201410335020.4,Rainwater treatment and reuse system for mountainous urban district. First inventor .
● ZL201410183438.8,Nitrous oxide emission reduction control system in the process of wastewater treatment and denitrification in sequential batch constructed wetland. First inventor .
● ZL201710229646.0,Rainwater collection and reuse device for vertical greening of buildings. First inventor
● 2018, First Prize of Chongqing Science and Technology Progress Award:Research and application of low-impact development control and treatment technology for runoff pollution in mountainous cities(2018-J-1-11-R01). First accomplisher.
● 2017, "Huaxia" Construction Science and Technology Special Prize:Research and application of key technologies for urban water pollution control in the Three Gorges Reservoir(2017-T-0102). Second accomplisher.