WANG Xiaoming, PhD
Associate Professor
Deputy Director of Environmental Engineering Program
Dean Assistant for International Affairs
Office: 428 at Environment Hall
Email: wangxiaoming@cqu.edu.cn
● 2009 - 2014 Ph.D. in Civil Engineering with concentration on Water Resource and Environmental Engineering under the supervision of Prof. Morton A. Barlaz, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, United States.
● 2005 - 2009 M.S. study in Environmental Science and Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China.
● 2001 - 2005 B.E. in Environmental Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China.
Research Description
Dr. Xiaoming Wang got his PhD degree from North Carolina State University of United States under the supervision of Professor Morton A. Barlaz. Dr. Wang is currently an Associate Professor of waste management and engineering at the Department of Environmental Engineering.
Dr. Wang’s research interests include: solids decomposition and methane generation in municipal solid waste landfills, sustainable landfill management, emerging contaminants (e.g., PFASs) associated with waste management processes, the use of life-cycle analysis to evaluate environmental footprints of alternate solid waste management strategies, and technologies to recovery energy and materials from various organic wastes.
l Yiran Zhou, Kangyi Huang, Xiuyao Jiao, Nemanja Stanisavljevic, Lei Li, Svjetlana Vujovic, Xuya Peng, Xiaoming Wang*. Anaerobic co-digestion of food waste and sewage sludge under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions: Focusing on synergistic effects on methane production, Biomass & Bioenergy, 2021, 106137.
l Yang Pingjin, Peng Yun, Tan Hanyue, Liu Hengyi, Wu Di, Wang Xiaoming, Li Lei*, Peng Xuya. Foaming mechanisms and control strategies during the anaerobic digestion of organic waste: A critical review. Science of The Total Environment, 2021,779:146531.
l Di Wu, Xuya Peng, Lei Li*, Pingjin Yang, Yun Peng, Hengyi Liu, Xiaoming Wang. Commercial biogas plants: Review on operational parameters and guide for performance optimization. Fuel, 2021,303:121282.
l Di Wu, Lei Li, Yun Peng, Pingjin Yang, Xuya Peng*, Yongming Sun**, Xiaoming Wang. State indicators of anaerobic digestion: A critical review on process monitoring and diagnosis. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021,148:111260.
● Jin Qiu, Liu Huazu, Wei Xiaoxiao, Li Wei*, Chen Jing, Yang Wei, Qian Shenhua, Yao Jingmei, Wang Xiaoming*. Dam operation altered profiles of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in reservoir [J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020,393,122523.
● Gu Meng, Wei Xiaoxiao, Liu Huazu, Li Wei, Zhang Lilan, Shi Dezhi, Zhang Peng, Wang Xiaoming*. Occurrence of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Leachates from Landfills and Incineration Plants (in Chinese). China Environmental Science, 2020, 40(04).
● Juan Gu, Rui Liu, Yi Cheng, Nemanja Stanisavljevic, Lei Li, Djordje Djatkov, Xuya Peng, Xiaoming Wang*. Anaerobic Co-digestion of Food Waste and Sewage Sludge under Mesophilic and Thermophilic Conditions: Focusing on Synergistic Effects on Methane Production, Bioresource Technology, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2020.122765.
● Li Lei*, Huang Qian, Yang Pingjin, Zhang Hong, Peng Yun, Peng Xuya, Wang Xiaoming. Occurrence mechanisms and control methods of foaming in anaerobic digesters treating organic wastes (in Chinese). China Environmental Science, 2020,40(8): 3475-3485.
● Hong Zhang, Yun Peng, Pingjin Yang, Xiaoming Wang, Xuya Peng, Lei Li*. Response of process performance and microbial community to ammonia stress in series batch experiments. Bioresource Technology, 2020,314:123768.
● Zhang Manli, Cai Hongying, Chen Jiangliang, Jiao Xiuyao, Gu Meng, Wang Xiaoming, Liu Yuanyuan. Present Situation and Development Countermeasure of Express Packaging Waste Management:A Case Study on Chongqing (in Chinese). Environmental Sanitation Engineering, 2020, 28(6):1005-8206.
● Xiaoming Wang and Nemanja Stanisavljevic. Can Waste Management Hail as Climate Change Mitigation Leader? (Editorial), Waste Management & Research, 37(12), 1181-1182, 2019.
● Wenjie Sun*, Xiaoming Wang, Joseph F. DeCarolis, and Morton A. Barlaz. Evaluation of optimal model parameters for prediction of methane generation from selected US landfills. Waste Management, 91, 120-127, 2019.
l Xiaoming Wang*, Jiangliang Chen, Meng Gu, Xiuyao Jiao, Hongying Cai, Ying Zhang, Yiran Zhou, Yunmei Wei, Nemanja Stanisavljevic and Yuanyuan Liu. Status Quo, Problems and Countermeasures Faced by China’s Food Waste Management under the Background of “Zero Waste City” Construction (in Chinese). Environmental Sanitation Engineering, 2019, 27(6):1-10.
● Xiuyao Jiao, Kangyi Huang, Xiaoming Wang*, Xiaoxiao Wei, Juan Gu, Lei Li and Xuya Peng. Impact of Combined Anaerobic Degradation of Multi-component Organic Domestic Waste on Methane Production Performances (in Chinese). China Environmental Science, 2019, 39(03):1078-1086.
● Mrkajić, V.*, Stanisavljevic, N., Xiaoming Wang, Tomas, L., & Haro, P. (2018). Efficiency of packaging waste management in a european union candidate country. Resources Conservation & Recycling, 136, 130-141.
● Lei Li, Xuya Peng*, Xiaoming Wang, Di Wu. Anaerobic digestion of food waste: A review focusing on process stability. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 248: 20–28.
● Xiaoxiao Wei, Xiaoming Wang*, Lei Li, Cong Liu, Nemanja Stanisavljevic and Xuya Peng. Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Municipal Solid Waste Generation and Treatment in China from 1979 to 2016 (in Chinese). China Environmental Science, 2018, 38(10):3833-3843.
● Lei Li, Qin He, Li Qu, Di Wu, Xiaoming Wang and Xuya Peng*. Influence of Biomass Concentration and Organic Loading Rate on Performance and Kinetics of Anaerobic Digestion of Food Waste (in Chinese). Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 2017, 37(8):3016-3023.
l Shi, D.*, Hu, C., Zhang, J., Li, P., Zhang, C., Xiaoming Wang. Silicon-aluminum additives assisted hydrothermal process for stabilization of heavy metals in fly ash from msw incineration. Fuel Processing Technology, 2017, 165, 44-53.
● He Qin, Li Lei, Peng Shuang, Zhao Xiaofei, Qu Li, Wang Xiaoming, Peng Xuya*. Foaming phenomenon in anaerobic digestion system treating food waste (in Chinese). China Environmental Science, 2017,37(3):1040-1050.
● Xiaoming Wang* and Morton A. Barlaz. Decomposition and carbon storage of hardwood and softwood branches in laboratory-scale landfills. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 557-558:355-362.
● Lei Li, Qin He, Yao Ma, Xiaoming Wang, Xuya Peng*. A mesophilic anaerobic digester for treating food waste: process stability and microbial community analysis using pyrosequencing. Microbial Cell Factories, 2016, 15(1):65.
● Lei Li, Qin He, Yao Ma, Xiaofei Zhao, Li Qu, Xiaoming Wang and Xuya Peng*. Investigation on the Relationship between Process Stability and Microbial Community in Anaerobic digestion (in Chinese). China Environmental Science, 2016, 36(11):3397-3404.
● Xiaoming Wang*, Ajay S. Nagpure, Joseph F. DeCarolis, and Morton A. Barlaz. Characterization of Uncertainty in Estimation of Methane Collection from Select U.S. Landfills. Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49, 1545-1551.
● Xiaoming Wang*, Florentino B. De la Cruz, Fabiano Ximenes, and Morton A. Barlaz. Decomposition and Carbon Storage of Selected Paper Products in Laboratory-Scale Landfills. Science of The Total Environment, 2015, 532, 70-79.
● Lei Li, Qin He, Yao Ma, Xiaoming Wang, Xuya Peng*. Dynamics of Microbial Community in a Mesophilic Anaerobic Digester Treating Food Waste: Relationship between Community Structure and Process Stability. Bioresource Technology, 2015, 189, 113-20.
● Xiaoming Wang*, Ajay S. Nagpure, Joseph F. DeCarolis, and Morton A. Barlaz. Using Observed Data To Improve Estimated Methane Collection from Select U.S. Landfills. Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47 (7), 3251-3257.
● Xiaoming Wang*, Jennifer M. Padgett, John S. Powell, and Morton A. Barlaz. Decomposition of forest products buried in landfills. Waste Management, 2013, 33, 2267-2276.
● Xiaoming Wang*, Jennifer M. Padgett, Florentino B. De la Cruz, and Morton A. Barlaz. Wood Biodegradation in Laboratory-Scale Landfills. Environmental Science & Technology, 2011, 45 (16), 6864-6871.
● Xuya Peng, Xiaoming Wang, Bin Liu, Chuanxing Jia. Commissioning of Process in Comprehensive Treatment of Domestic Waste (in Chinese). China Water & Wastewater, 2010, 26(5):1000-4602.
Projects, Patents, and Awards
l Systematic Development of Bio-waste Management in Emerging Economies from a Life Cycle Perspective, a bi-lateral inter-governmental science & technology cooperation project funded by Serbian and Chinese governments, 2018-2019.
l Distribution and Fate of Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) in Municipal Solid Waste Landfill and Incineration Leachate, Innovation Fund of Chongqing University, 2017-2018.
● Paramerization of Landfill Gas Generation Models to Improve Predictability, National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2016-2018.
● Plan Preparation for Pilot Implementation of Zero Waste City in Chongqing, Bureau of Environment and Ecology, 2019-2020.
● Plan Preparation for Municipal Solid Waste Management in Chongqing between 2016-2020, Bureau of Urban Management of Chongqing Municipality, 2015-2016.