国际产业生态学会(International Society for Industrial Ecology)会员; 国际固体废物工作组织(International Waste Working Group)会员 中国环境科学学会循环经济分会第二届委员会委员; 中国硅酸盐学会固废与生态材料分会危险固废学术委员会委员 国际学术期刊副主编/客座/青年编委: [1]IWWG官方期刊《Detritus》副主编2023~ [2]Nature旗下期刊《Scientific Data》编委 2024~ [3]《Journal of Cleaner Production》客座编委2023~ [4]《Circular Economy》青年编委2022~ [5]《Resources, Environment and Sustainability》青年编委2023~ 国际学术期刊审稿人: [1]《Resources, Conservation & Recycling》, Aug. 2023~present [2]《Journal of Industrial Ecology》,Feb. 2024~present [3]《Humanities & Social Sciences Communications》Aug. 2024~present [4]《Environment International》,Jan. 2024~present [5]《Journal of Hazardous Materials》, Aug. 2024~present [6]《Journal of Cleaner Production》, Mar. 2019~present [7]《Journal of Environmental Management》, Feb. 2023~present [8]《Science of the Total Environment》, Mar. 2016~present [9]《Waste Management》, Jan. 2019~present [10]《Sustainable Production and Consumption》, Apr. 2024~present [11]《Environmental Research》, Dec. 2021~present [12]《Geoscience Frontiers》, May 2023~present [13]《Chemosphere》, Dec. 2019~present [14]《Environmental Science and Pollution Research》, Jan. 2015~present [15]《Marine Pollution Bulletin》, Sep. 2020~present [16]《Energy Economics》, May. 2023~present [17]《环境工程》, Aug. 2022~present [18]《资源科学》, Nov. 2023~present [19]《中国环境科学》, Oct. 2024~present |
已发表学术论文30余篇:(仅选8篇-7篇英文、1篇中文) J1)Jian Sun, Zezhuang Liu,et al, andXiaofeng Gao*.Uncovering the Nexus between Urban Heat Islands and Material Stocks of Built Environment in 335 Chinese Cities.Environmental Science & Technology,2024 58 (31), 13760-13771,SCI,IF=11.4.中科院一区top,自然指数期刊 J2)Xiaofeng Gao*, Jun Nakatani, Qian Zhang, Beijia Huang, Tao Wang, Yuichi Moriguchi. Dynamic material flow and stock analysis of residential buildings by integrating rural–urban land transition: A case of Shanghai.Journal of Cleaner Production,2020, 253: 119941,SCI,IF=11.1.中科院一区top J3)Beijia Huang*,Xiaofeng Gao, Xiaozhen Xu, Jialing Song,Yong Geng*, Joseph Sarkis, Tomer Fishman, Harnwei Kua, Jun Nakatani. A Life Cycle Thinking Framework to Mitigate the Environmental Impact of Building Materials.One Earth, 2020, 3(5): 564-573.SCI, IF=16.2.Cell子刊 J4)Kunsen Lin,Youcai Zhao,Jia-Hong Kuo,Deng Hao,Feifei Cui,Zilong Zhang,Meilan Zhang,Chunlong Zhao,Xiaofeng Gao*, Tao Zhou*,Tao Wang*. Toward smarter management and recovery of municipal solid waste: A critical review on deep learning approaches.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 346: 130943,SCI,IF=11.1.中科院一区top.(入选ESI高被引论文) J5)Zihan Bi, Jian Sun, et al,Xiaofeng Gao*, Nan Wei*.Machine learning-driven source identification and ecological risk prediction of heavy metal pollution in cultivated soils.Journal of Hazardous Materials,2024,476, 135109,SCI,IF=12.2.中科院一区top. J6)Mengqi Han,Yinglei Wu,Jian Sun,Xiaomeng Geng,Xiaofeng Gao*,Tao Zhou*, Jiaqi Lu*. Carbon feasibility of terminating plastic waste leakage by landfill mining: A case study based on practical projects in China.Science of the Total Environment,2024, 906, 167461,SCI,IF=9.8.中科院一区top. J7)Kunsen Lin, Tao Zhou,Xiaofeng Gao*, Zongshen Li, Huabo Duan, Huanyu Wu,Guanyou Lu, Youcai Zhao*.Deep convolutional neural networks for construction and demolition waste classification: VGGNet structures, cyclical learning rate, and knowledge transfer.Journal of Environmental Management, 2022 : 115501,SCI,IF=8.91.中科院一区. J8)欧阳伊雯,庞蘅洺,叶红丽,庞惠月,王照晴,高小峰*,陆嘉麒*. 重庆市城镇污水处理系统的碳排放特征及减污降碳措施建议.环境工程学报, 2023, 17(9): 2841-2847.CSCD中文核心. 已授权专利 P1)赵由才,高小峰,谢田,黄晟,刘阳,罗安然,孙艳秋,柴晓利,牛冬杰.一种高浓度重金属污染建筑废物的处理方法,国家发明专利,ZL 201410199598.1.(授权) P2)赵由才,高小峰,兰思杰,谢田,黄晟,孙艳秋,罗安然,柴晓利,牛冬杰.一种利用碱性泥沙干洗石油污染布袋的方法,国家发明专利,ZL 201410764360.9.(授权) P3)赵由才,谢田,高小峰,黄晟,邓冠南,李阳,柴晓利,牛冬杰.一种建筑废物中重金属检测方法,国家发明专利,ZL 201410245673.3.(授权) P4)赵由才,谢田,高小峰,黄晟,张杰,孙艳秋,柴晓利,牛冬杰.一种使受多种重金属污染的建筑废物稳定化方法,国家发明专利,ZL 201410415807.1.(授权) P5)黄晟,赵由才,高小峰,谢田,孙艳秋,柴晓利,牛冬杰.一种拆迁废物中有机物的测定方法,国家发明专利,ZL 201410399655.0.(授权) 出版物及代表著作 B1)赵由才,黄晟,高小峰等编著.《废物资源综合利用技术丛书--建筑废物资源化利用》.2018年1月.化学工业出版社, ISBN: 978-7-122-30498-8. B2)Zhao Youcai, Huang Sheng.高小峰:参编chapter 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 & 9.2016, Pollution Control and Resource Recovery: Industrial Construction and Demolition Wastes, ISBN: 978012811754 5. Printed by Elsevier. B3)赵由才,余毅,徐东升,黄晟,高小峰,谢田等著.参编第1、3、4、5、7、8、10章. 2016,建筑废物处置和资源化污染控制技术, ISBN: 978-7-122-27949-1.化学工业出版社 B4)宋立杰,陈善平,赵由才.高小峰:参编第3章和第9章. 2014,可持续生活垃圾处理与资源化技术, ISBN:978-7-122-18368-2.化学工业出版社 |