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1. 主要研究方向

[1] 生物质甲烷发酵与矿物资源回收耦合工艺的开发;

[2] 厌氧发酵消化液的厌氧氨氧化处理技术及过程控制;

[3] 新型厌氧氨氧化与磷资源回收耦合技术;

[4] 热解副产物生物炭的有效利用;

[5] 焦化废水的中的难降解物质处理技术开发。

2. 社会兼职,国内外学术团体任职情况

[1] 日本水环境学会会员;

[2] 日本土木学会会员;

[3] Bioresource Technology, Journal of Environmental Management, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste等学术期刊审稿人.

3. 教育及进修经历

➢ 教育经历

2009.9 ~ 2013.7,上海交通大学,环境科学与工程学院,环境科学与工程学院[指导:林燕研究员]

2013.10 ~ 2014.3,日本东北大学,建筑与社会环境工学科,学部研究生

2014.4 ~ 2016.3,日本东北大学,工学研究科土木工学专攻,环境保全工学研究室,工学硕士[导师:李玉友(Yu-You Li)教授]

2016.4 ~ 2019.3,日本东北大学,工学研究科土木工学专攻,环境保全工学研究室,工学博士[导师:李玉友(Yu-You Li)教授]

➢ 工作经历

2019.4 ~ 2021.3,日本国立环境研究所,JSPS外国人特别研究员(合作导师:徐开钦主席研究员,小林拓朗主任研究员)

2021.5 ~今,重庆大学,环境与生态学院,准聘副教授

4. 主持或主研的科学研究项目

[1] 重庆大学引进人才启动经费,2021.5 ~,主持

[2] 日本学术振兴会特别研究员奖励费,メタン発酵とHAP形成を伴うアナモックス処理を核とした農村資源循環システムの構築(伴随甲烷发酵及HAP形成的以anammox为核心的农村资源循环系统的构建),2019.4 ~ 2021.3,主持

[3] 日本学术振兴会特别研究员奖励费,Anammoxによる新規窒素除去プロセスの開発(基于anammox的新型氮去除工艺的开发),2016.4 ~ 2019.3,主持

5. 主要学术论文与代表作


[1] Ma, H.Y., Zhang, Y.F., Xue, Y., Kubota, K., Li, Y.Y.*. (2021) Efficient phosphorus recovery by enhanced hydroxyapatite formation in a high loading anammox expanded bed reactor at 15°C.Chemical Engineering Journal.425:130636 (SCI-IF=10.652)

[2] Ma, H.Y., Xue, Y., Zhang, Y.F., Li, Y.Y. *, (2019). Simultaneous nitrogen removal and phosphorus recovery using an anammox expanded reactor operated at 25°C.Water Research.172:115510 (SCI-IF=9.130)

[3] Ma, H.Y., Zhang, Y.L., Xue, Y., Li, Y.Y. *, (2018).A new process for simultaneous nitrogen removal and phosphorus recovery using an anammox expanded bed reactor.Bioresource Technology. 267:201-208 (SCI-IF=7.539)

[4] Ma, H.Y., Niu, Q.G., Zhang, Y.L., He, S.L., Li, Y.Y. *, (2017). Substrate inhibition and concentration control in an UASB-Anammox process.Bioresource Technology. 238:263-272 (SCI-IF=7.539)

[5] Ma, H.Y., Guo, Y., Xue, Y., Li, Y.Y. *, (2018). Nutrient recovery technologies integrated with energy recovery by waste biomass anaerobic digestion.Bioresource Technology. 269:520–531 (SCI-IF=7.539)

[6] Ma, H.Y., Zhang, Y.L., Xue, Y., Zhang, Y.F., Li, Y.Y. *, (2018). Relationship of heme C, nitrogen loading capacity and temperature in anammox reactor.Science of the Total Environment. 659:568-577 (SCI-IF=6.551)

[7] Ma, H.Y., Hu, Y., Kobayashi T. *, Xu, K.Q. *, (2020). The role of rice husk biochar addition in anaerobic digestion for sweet sorghum under high loading condition.Biotechnology Reports. 27:e00515.

[8] Xue, Y.,Ma, H.Y., Kong, Z., Li, Y.Y., (2021). Formation Mechanism of hydroxyapatite encapsulation in Anammox-HAP Coupled Granular Sludge.Water Research. 193:116861. (SCI-IF=9.130)

[9] Hu, Y.,Ma, H.Y., Shi, C., Takuro, K. *, Xu, K.Q. *, (2021). Nutrient augmentation enhances biogas production from sorghum mono-digestion.Waste Management.119: 64-71. (SCI-IF=5.448)

[10] Xue, Y.,Ma, H.Y., Kong, Z., Guo, Y., Li, Y.Y. *, (2020) Bulking and floatation of the Anammox-HAP granule caused by low phosphate concentration in the anammox reactor of expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB).Bioresource Technology.310:123421 (SCI-IF=7.539)

[11] Zhang, Y.L.,Ma, H.Y., Chen, R., Niu, Q.G., Li, Y.Y. *, (2018). Stoichiometric variation and loading capacity of a high-loading anammox attached film expanded bed (AAEEB) reactor.Bioresource Technology. 253:130-140 (SCI-IF=7.539)

[12] Zhang, Y.L,Ma, H.Y., Lin, L., Cao, W.Z; Ouyang, T.; Li, Y.Y. *, (2018). Enhanced simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus removal performance by anammox-HAP symbiotic granules in the attached film expanded bed reactor.ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.6, 10989-10998 (SCI-IF=7.632)

[13] Zhang, Y.L.,Ma, H.Y., Niu, Q.G., Chen, R., Hojo, T., Li, Y.Y. *, (2016). Effects of soluble microbial products (SMP) on the performance of an anammox attached film expanded bed (AAFEB) reactor: Synergistic interaction and toxic shock.Bioresource Technology. 222:261-269 (SCI-IF=7.539)

[14] Zhang, Y.L.,Ma, H.Y., Niu, Q.G., Chen, R., Hojo, T., Li, Y.Y. *, (2016). Effects of substrate shock on extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) excretion and characteristics of attached biofilm anammox granules.RSC Advances. 114:113289-113297 (SCI-IF=3.119)

[15] Hu, Y., Shi, C.,Ma, H.Y., Wu, J., Kobayashi, T. *, Xu, K.Q. *, (2021). Biofilm formation enhancement in anaerobic treatment of high salinity wastewater: Effect of biochar/Fe addition. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 9: 105603 (SCI-IF=4.300)

[16] Zhang, Y.L., Niu, Q.G.,Ma, H.Y., He, S.L., Kubota, K., Li, Y.Y. *, (2016). Long-term operation performance and variation of substrate tolerance ability in an anammox attached film expanded bed (AAFEB) reactor.Bioresource Technology. 221:31-40 (SCI-IF=7.539)

[17] Niu, Q.G., Zhang, Y.L.,Ma, H.Y., He, S.L., Li, Y.Y. *, (2016). Reactor kinetics evaluation and performance investigation of a long-term operated UASB-anammox mixed culture process.International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation. 108:24-33 (SCI-IF=4.074)

[18] He, S.L., Zhang, Y.L., Niu, Q.G.,Ma, H.Y., Li, Y.Y. *, (2016). Operation stability and recovery performance in an Anammox EGSB reactor after pH shock.Ecological Engineering. 90:50-56 (SCI-IF=3.512)

[19] Niu, Q.G., He, S.L., Zhang, Y.L.,Ma, H.Y., Liu, Y., Li, Y.Y. *, (2016). Process stability and the recovery control associated with inhibition factors in a UASB-anammox reactor with a long-term operation.Bioresource Technology. 203:132-141 (SCI-IF=7.539)

[20] He, S.L., Niu, Q.G.,Ma, H.Y., Zhang, Y.L., Li, Y.Y. *, (2015). The treatment performance and the bacteria preservation of anammox: A review.Water Air and Soil Pollution, 226:163 (SCI-IF=1.9)

[21] Chen, R., Takemura, Y., Liu, Y., Ji, J., Sakuma, S., Kubota, K.,Ma, H.Y., Li, Y. Y. *, (2018). Using Partial Nitrification and Anammox To Remove Nitrogen from Low-Strength Wastewater by Co-immobilizing Biofilm inside a Moving Bed Bioreactor.ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 7(1):1353-1361 (SCI-IF=7.632)

[22] Chen, R., Ji, J., Chen, Y., Takemura, Y., Liu, Y., Sakuma, S., Kubota, K.,Ma, H.Y., Li, Y. Y. *, (2019). Successful operation performance and syntrophic micro-granule in partial 2 nitritation and anammox reactor treating low-strength ammonia wastewater.Water Research.155: 288-299(SCI-IF=9.130)

[23] 馬海元,張彦隆,何士龍,牛啓桂,久保田健吾,李玉友*, (2015).UASB型ANAMMOXプロセスの処理性能に及ぼす基質濃度変化の影響,土木学会論文集G(環境), Vol.71, NO.7, III_397-III_404

[24] 马海元,林燕*,张伟,李文,李亚红,王欣泽, (2013). NaOH预处理小麦秸秆对纤维素酶水解的影响.湖北农业科学, Vol.18, pp.4355-4358+4370

[25] 張彦隆,馬海元,北條俊昌,李玉友*, (2016).Anammox付着膜膨張床の処理性能と汚泥特性解析,土木学会論文集G(環境), Vol.72, NO.7, III_9-III_17

[26] 张琦,李文,林燕*,马海元,王欣泽,孔海南, (2013).高浓度发酵中酵母菌性能调控及优化,食品与发酵工业, Vol.03, pp.5-11

[27] 林燕*,张伟,华鑫怡,李进军,刘妍,马海元, (2012).纤维素酶水解能力的影响因素及纤维素结构变化研究.食品与发酵工业, Vol.04, pp.39-43

6. 主要荣誉及获奖

[1] 国家建设高水平大学公派留学生资助,国家留学基金委,2013

[2] 日本学术振兴会特别研究员(DC1),日本学术振兴会,2016 ~ 2019

[3] 环境领导人项目成员,东北大学,2014

[4] WET (Water and Environment Technology Conference) Excellent Presentation Award,日本水环境学会,2018

[5] Best poster presentation, The 4thInternational Conference on Alternative Fuels, Energy and Environment (ICAFEE): Future and Challenges, 2019

7. 参与的国际与国内会议情况

[1] Haiyuan MA, Yong HU, Chen SHI, Takuro KOBAYASHI, Kai-Qin XU, The role of biochar addition in sorghum anaerobic digestion,The 4thInternational Conference on Alternative Fuels, Energy and Environment (ICAFEE): Future and Challenges, 2019.10.18-21,台湾,中国,海报

[2] Haiyuan MA, Yi XUE, Yuanfan ZHANG, Kengo KUBOTA, Yu-You LI, Simultaneous Nitrogen Removal and Phosphorus Recovery in an Anammox Expanded Granular Sludge Bed Operated at Low Temperature,The Water and Environment Technology Conference 2018, 2018.7.14-15,爱媛,日本,口头 (WET Excellent Presentation Award)

[3] Haiyuan MA, Yanlong Zhang, Yu-You Li, Simultaneous removal of nitrogen and phosphorus by an Anammox attached film fluidized bed reactor with HAP as a carrier,The 15th IWA World Conference on Anaerobic Digestion, 2017.10.17-20,北京,中国,口头

[4] Haiyuan MA, Yanlong Zhang, Yu-You Li, Operation performance of Anammox process in a UASB reactor without recirculation system,The 3rd International Symposium on Water Environment Systems with Perspective of Global Safety, 2016,1.28-31,仙台,日本,海报

[5] Haiyuan MA, Shilong HE, Yuyou LI. Effect of Substrate Concentration on the Operation Performance of Anammox Process in a UASB Reactor,The 2ndInternational Symposium on Water Environment Systems with Perspective of Global Safety,2015,1.30-31,仙台,日本,海报

[6] Haiyuan MA, Yanlong Zhang, Yu-You Li, A study on substrate concentration and inhibition factor of Anammox process in a UASB reactor,Joint Workshop on Enhanced Anaerobic Hybrid System for Treating Antibiotic Wastewater,仙台,日本, 2015.11.22,口头

[7] Qigui Niu,Haiyuan MA, Yan Guo, Yanlong Zhang, Jiayuan Ji, Yu-You Li, Effects of ammonia and free nitrous acid on the microbial community metabolic dynamic and specific activity variation in anammox process,The 3rd International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Health, 2017.5.12-14,广州,中国

[8] Qigui Niu, Yanlong Zhang, Shilong He,Haiyuan MA, Kengo Kubota,Yu-You Li. Anammox specific activity and microbial community structure dynamics during mixture culture and enrichment.The 6th IWA-ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition,北京,中国, 2015.9.20 – 24,口头

[9] Yanlong Zhang, Qigui Niu, Shilong He,Haiyuan MA, Kengo Kubota,Yu-You Li. Variation of substrate tolerance and specific anammox activity after a transient substrate shock in a anammox attached film expanded bed reactor.The 6th IWA-ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition,北京,中国, 2015.9.20 – 24

[10] Yanlong Zhang, Shilong He,Haiyuan MA, Qigui Niu, Yu-You Li, "Start-up and long-term stability of anammox process in a lab-scale UASB reactor",IWA Specialist Conference, Nutrient Removal and Recovery: moving innovation into practice, pp.829, 2015.5.18-2015.5.21, Gdansk, 波兰,海报

[11] 馬海元,薛意,張遠帆,李玉友,常温条件下におけるアナモックス流動床による高効率窒素除去とリン回収の同時実現プロセスの研究,21回日本水環境学会シンポジウム, 2018.9.4-5,岛根,日本,口头

[12] 馬海元,張彦隆,李玉友,自己造粒型アナモックス流動床による窒素除去とリン回収の同時実現プロセスの研究,54回下水道研究発表会, 2017.8.1-3,东京,日本,口头

[13] 馬海元,張彦隆,牛啓桂,李玉友, UASB型Anammoxリアクターにおける基質濃度の最適化及び阻害因子の解析,50回日本水環境学会年会, 2016.3.16-18,德岛,日本,口头

[14] 馬海元,張彦隆,北條俊昌,李玉友,高い窒素除去速度Anammoxプロセスと汚泥特性についての研究,環境システム計測制御学会第28回研究発表会, 2016.10.25-26,横浜,日本,口头

[15] 張彦隆,馬海元,北條俊昌,李玉友, Anammox付着膜膨張床の処理性能と汚泥特性解析,53回環境工学研究フォーラム, 2016.12.6-8,北九州,日本,口头

[16] 馬海元,何士龍,李玉友, UASB型Anammoxプロセス運転に及ぼす基質濃度の影響,日本水環境学会第2回東北支部研究発表会, pp.11-12, 2015.1.10,仙台,日本,口头

[17] 馬海元,張彦隆,何士龍,牛啓桂,李玉友, UASB型Anammox反応槽の運転安定性に及ぼす窒素負荷ショックとEPSの影響,49回日本水環境学会年会, p257, 2015.3.17,金沢,日本,口头

[18] 馬海元,張彦隆,何士龍,牛啓桂,李玉友, UASB型Anammoxプロセス運転に及ぼす基質濃度の影響,52回下水道研究発表会, 2015.7.28-30,东京,日本,海报

[19] 馬海元,張彦隆,何士龍,牛啓桂,久保田健吾,李玉友, UASB型Anammoxプロセスの処理性能に及ぼす基質濃度変化の影響,52回環境工学研究フォーラム, 2015.11.28-29,福岛,日本,口头

[20] Jingru DU, Yanlong ZHANG, Qigui NIU,Haiyuan MA, Shilong HE, Yu-You LI, Inhibitory Effect of Four Antibiotics on Anammox Process,49回日本水環境学会年会, p256,2015.3.17,金沢,日本,口头

[21] 張彦隆,何士龍,馬海元,牛啓桂,李玉友, UASB型Anammoxリアクターにおけるグラニュールと反応特性の解析,48回日本水環境学会年会, pp.166, 2014.3.18,仙台,日本,口头

[22] 張彦隆,何士龍,馬海元,牛啓桂,李玉友, UASB型Anammox反応槽の運転特性と化学量論解析,51回下水道研究発表会, ポスター発表, pp.28-30, 2014.7.23,大阪,日本,口头

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