部分代表性论文(共发表论文50余篇): [1] Shuang Liu, Chao Liu, Hejiao Zhang, Huaili Zheng, Wei Ding*(通讯), Hong Li. The promotional role of peroxydisulfate in Arsenic(III) oxidation by Fe(III)/Sulfite: Boosting and regulating the generation of radical and non-radical species.Separation and Purification Technology, 2025, 354: 129210. [2] Bangkang Yue, Shuang Liu, Weizhen Zhang, Wei Ding*(通讯), Huaili Zheng, Hong Li. Cobalt(II) mediated calcium sulfite activation for efficient oxidative decontamination in waters: Performance, kinetics and mechanism.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 461: 132731. [3] Liuwei Yang, Shuang Liu, Hejiao Zhang, Weizheng Zhang, Wei Ding*(通讯), Huaili Zheng, Hong Li, Jun Zhai. Insight into the purification of arsenic-contaminated acid water by metal–organic framework MIL-53(Fe) with sulfite: The generation and effect of Fe(IV).Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 481: 148766. [4] Shuang Liu, Chao Liu, Hejiao Zhang, Weizhen Zhang, Wei Ding*(通讯), Huaili Zheng, Hong Li. Sulfite induced degradation of sulfamethoxazole by a silica stabilized ZIF-67(Co) catalyst via non-radical pathways: Formation and role of high-valent Co(IV) and singlet oxygen.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 469: 133888. [5] Hejiao Zhang, Shuang Liu, Wei Ding*(通讯), Chao Liu, Yaoyao Huang, Hong Li, Huaili Zheng. UVA light assisted activation of sulfite by metal–organic framework-derived FeOx@C catalyst for organic degradation: Formation and role of non-radical species.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 496: 154136. [6] Siqi Hou, Wei Ding*(通讯), Shuang Liu, Huaili Zheng, Jun Zhai, Liuwei Yang, Zheng Zhong. Fast oxidation and deep removal of As(III) by integrating metal–organic framework ZIF-67 and sulfite: Performance and mechanism.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 460: 141785. [7] Yanyan An, Mengxin Han, Huaili Zheng, Wei Ding*(通讯), Qiang Sun, Chao Hu, Liushi Zheng. Hollow structured copper-loaded self-floating catalyst in sulfite-induced oxidation of arsenic(III) at neutral pH: Kinetics and mechanisms investigation.Chemical engineering journal, 2021, 407: 127193. [8]Wei Ding, Xinyuan Wan, Huaili Zheng*, Yuyang Wu, Salam Muhammad. Sulfite-assisted oxidation/adsorption coupled with a TiO2 supported CuO composite for rapid arsenic removal: Performance and mechanistic studies.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 413: 125449. [9] Wei Ding, Huaili Zheng*, Yongjun Sun, Zhiwei Zhao, Xinyu Zheng, Yuyang Wu, Weilong Xiao. Activation of MnFe2O4by sulfite for fast and efficient removal of arsenic(III) at circumneutral pH: Involvement of Mn(III).Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 403: 123623. [10] Wei Ding, Hui Tong, Dan Zhao, Huaili Zheng, Chengshuai Liu*, Jinjun Li, Feng Wu*. A novel removal strategy for copper and arsenic by photooxidation coupled with coprecipitation: Performance and mechanism.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 401: 126102. [11] Wei Ding, Weilong Xiao, Huaili Zheng*, Shixin Zhang, Hongxia Liu, Yanyan An, Rui Zhao. Electro-assisted sulfite activation by a silica supported cobalt catalyst for the degradation of organic pollutants in near-neutral pH condition.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 402: 126168. [12] Wei Ding*(通讯), Weilong Xiao, Wenxuan Huang, Qiang Sun, Huaili Zheng*. Sulfite activation on a silica-supported well-dispersed cobalt catalyst via an electron transfer complex path.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 257: 120457. [13] Wei Ding, Xingyun Huang, Weidong Zhang, Feng Wu*, Jinjun Li*. Sulfite activation by a low-leaching silica-supported copper catalyst for oxidation of As(III) in water at circumneutral pH.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 359: 1518-1526. [14] Wei Ding, Jing Xu, Tao Chen, Chengshuai Liu*, Jinjun Li, Feng Wu*. Co-oxidation of As(III) and Fe(II) by oxygen through complexation between As(III) and Fe(II)/Fe(III) species.Water Research, 2018, 143, 599-607. |