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姓   张  

出生年月 1988年4月
技术职务 重庆大学环境与生态学院副教授,博士生导师
通信地址 重庆大学B区环境与生态学院 重庆市沙坪坝区沙北街83号







2021.04-至  今







《Frontier in Microbiology》编委会


2024.04-至  今





 起止年月     学 校       专业/学位

2015.09-2020.01  哈尔滨工业大学 市政工程工学博士

2018.10-2019.10  加拿大卡尔加里大学 市政工程公派联合培养

2011.09-2014.07  东北林业大学 微生物学理学硕士


 起止年月     单 位    职称

2023.04-至  今  重庆大学  副教授

2022.09-2023.03  重庆大学  副研究员

2020.05-2022.08  重庆大学  助理研究员

2020.03-2023.03  重庆大学  博士后

















围绕污水处理与资源化研究方向,以第一作者和通讯作者在Water ResearchRenewable & Sustainable Energy ReviewChemical Engineering JournalJournal of Hazardous MaterialsBioresource TechnologyJournal of Membrane Science等行业主流国际知名期刊发表论文40余篇,期刊平均影响因子>12。


1.Bing Zhang, W Li, Y Guo, ZQ Zhang, WX Shi*, FY Cui, P N.L. Lens, JH Tay. A sustainable strategy for effective regulation of aerobic granulation: Augmentation of the signaling molecule content by cultivating AHL-producing strains.Water Research, 2020, 169, 115193.

2.Bing Zhang*, L Wu, WX Shi, ZQ Zhang, P N.L. Lens. A novel strategy for rapid development of a self-sustaining symbiotic algal-bacterial granular sludge: Applying algal-mycelial pellets as nuclei.Water Research, 2022, 214, 118210.ESI高被引论文)

3.SC Huang,Bing Zhang*, ZW Zhao, C Yang, B Zhang, FY Cui, P N.L. Lens, WX Shi*.Metagenomic analysis reveals the responses of microbial communities and nitrogen metabolic pathways to polystyrene micro(nano)plastics in activated sludge systems.Water Research, 2023, 241, 120161.ESI高被引论文)

4.WX Shi, C Zhang, H Zhao, Bing Zhang*, HL Tang, YN Liu, B Zhang*. Picolinic acid-mediated Mn(II) activated periodate for ultrafast and selective degradation of emerging contaminants: Key role of high-valent Mn-oxo species. Water Research, 2024, 266, 122428.

5.Bing Zhang, W Li, Y Guo, ZQ Zhang,WX Shi*, FY Cui, P N.L. Lens, JH Tay. Microalgal–bacterial consortia: from interspecies interactions to biotechnological applications.Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2020, 118, 109563.ESI高被引论文)

6.Bing Zhang, P N.L. Piet; WX Shi *; RJ Zhang; ZQ Zhang, Y Guo, X Bao, FY Cui. Enhancement of aerobic granulation and nutrient removal by an algal–bacterial consortium in a lab-scale photobioreactor.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 334, 2373-2382.ESI高被引论文)

7.WX Shi, MR Yi, Y Liu, SC Huang, JW Fan, P. N.L. Lens,Bing Zhang*. Preparation of hydroxyapatite (HAP) from waste eggshells for enhancing the granulation and treatment performance of aerobic granular sludge: Enhancement effects and mechanism insights.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023,477, 147096.

8.WX Shi, XY Yang, SC Huang, P. N.L. Lens,Bing Zhang*.Comprehensive analysis reveals the differentiated influential mechanism of degradable poly (ε-caprolactone) and polybutylene succinate microplastics on nitrogen transformation in aerobic granular sludge systems.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024,479, 147619.

9.B Zhang, J Shen, JH Xiong, Y Shen,Bing Zhang*, WX Shi.Influence of solution and operating conditions on the treatment of aquaculture wastewater using direct contact membrane distillation: Ammonia rejection and membrane fouling.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 478, 147326.

10.Bing Zhang*, SC Huang, L Wu, Y Guo, WX Shi*, P. N.L. Lens.Micro(nano)plastic size and concentration co-differentiate the treatment performance and toxicity mechanism in aerobic granular sludge systems.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 457, 141212.

11.B Zhang, JP Li, XP Wang, TF Ma, Y Shen,Bing Zhang*, Y Qin*, YN Liu, WX Shi. Enhanced mitigation of membrane fouling and degradation of perfluorooctanoic acid in the treatment of natural surface water through the application of dielectric barrier discharge/sulfite.Chemical Engineering Journal,2024, 490, 151894.

12.SC Huang,Bing Zhang*,FY Cui, YK He, JY Shi, XY Yang, P N.L. Lens, Wenxin Shi. Mechanisms underlying the detrimental impact of micro(nano)plastics on the stability of aerobic granular sludge: Interactions between micro(nano)plastics and extracellular polymeric substances.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 477, 135512.

13.M Zhang, GK Fu, WX Shi, XL Feng, P N.L. Lens,Bing Zhang*.Microbial response to the chronic toxicity effect of graphene and graphene oxide nanomaterials within aerobic granular sludge systems.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 477, 135350.

14.JW Fan, W Li,Bing Zhang*, WX Shi, P N.L. Lens. Unravelling the biodegradation performance and mechanisms of acid orange 7 by aerobic granular sludge at different salinity levels.Bioresource Technology, 2022, 357, 127347.

15.SC Huang,Bing Zhang*, Y Liu , XL Feng, WX Shi. Revealing the influencing mechanisms of polystyrene microplastics (MPs) on the performance and stability of the algal-bacterial granular sludge.Bioresource Technology, 2022, 354, 127202.

16.WX Shi, XL Feng, Y Liu,Bing Zhang*, P N.L. Lens. Role of rotating speed on the stability of a selfsustaining algal-bacterial photo-granules process.Bioresource Technology, 2022, 353, 127134.

17.Bing Zhang*,JW Fan, W Li, P N.L. Lens, WX Shi. Low salinity enhances azo dyes degradation in aerobic granular sludge systems: Performance and mechanism analysis.Bioresource Technology, 2023, 372, 128678.

18.B Zhang,X Mao, XM Tang, HL Tang,Bing Zhang*, Y Shen*, WX Shi. Pre-coagulation for membrane fouling mitigation in an aerobic granular sludge membrane bioreactor: A comparative study of modified microbial and organic flocculants.Journal of Membrane Science, 2022, 644, 120129.

19.B Zhang, DM Huang, Y Shen, WJ Yin, X Gao,Bing Zhang*, WX Shi*. Treatment of municipal wastewater with aerobic granular sludge membrane bioreactor (AGMBR): Performance and membrane fouling.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 273, 123124.

20.Bing Zhang*,YK He, WX Shi, LJ Liu, L Li, C Liu, P N.L. Lens. Biotransformation of sulfamethoxazole (SMX) by aerobic granular sludge: Removal performance, degradation mechanism and microbial response.Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 858, 159771.ESI高被引论文)

上一条:丁魏(博士生导师) 下一条:刘彩虹
