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[2]长期担任《Waste Management》、《Science of the Total Environment》、《Marine Pollution Bulletin》、《Environmental Science and Pollution Research》、《环境工程》、《环境卫生工程》等国内外期刊审稿人
















[1]Wang, Q.,Wang, T., Noureen, L., Huang, K., Wang, X., Lei, R., Bai, X., Xu, Q. 2023.Carbon dots/TiO2enhanced visible light-assisted photocatalytic of leachate: Simultaneous effects and Mechanism insights. Water Research, 245: 120659.

[2]Wang, Q.,Ko, J., Liu, F., Xu, Q. 2021. Leaching characteristics of heavy metals in MSW and bottom ash co-disposal landfills. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 416, 126042.

[3]Wang, Q.,Miao, Q., Wang, X., Wang, T., Xu, Q. 2022. Role of surface physicochemical properties of pipe materials on bio-clogging in leachate collection systems from a thermodynamic perspective. Science of the Total Environment, 851: 158263.

[4]Wang, Q.,Ko, J., Wu, H., Liu, F., Xu, Q. 2021. Impact of bottom ash co-disposed with municipal solid waste on geotextile clogging in landfills. Science of the Total Environment, 774, 145744.

[5]Wang, Q.,Liu, F., Xu, Q. 2022. Insight into the effect of calcium on bio-clogging behavior via quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring. Chemosphere, 292, 133547.

[6]Wang, Q.,Ko, J., Liu, F., Xiong, W., Wang, X., Xu, Q. 2021. Bio-clogging mitigation in the leachate collection system of municipal solid waste landfill using graphene oxide-coated geotextiles. Chemosphere, 268, 128779.

[7]Wang, Q.,Miao, Q., Liu, F., Wang, X., Xu, Q. 2022. Coupled effect of microbiologically induced calcium carbonate and biofilms in leachate. Journal of Environmental Management, 324, 116350.

[8]Wang, Q.,Miao, Q., Huang, K., Lin, Y., Wang, T., Bai, X., Xu, Q. 2023. Spatial-temporal clogging development in leachate collection systems of landfills: insight into chemical and biological clogging characteristics. Waste Management, 171, 163-172.

[9]Wang, Q.,Ko, J., Xu, Q. 2021. Comparison of bio-clogging characteristics of geotextiles in MSW and bottom ash co-disposal landfills. Waste Management, 120, 459-466.

[10]Wang, Q.,Zhang, T., Wu, G., Xu, Q. 2021. Deciphering acyl-homoserine lactones-mediated quorum sensing on geotextile bio-clogging in municipal solid waste and bottom ash co-disposal landfills. Waste Management, 124, 136-143.

[11]Wang, Q.,Duan, H., Miao, Q., Li, H., Liu, J., Wang, N., Xu, Q. 2023. Environmental and economic impact assessment of synergistic organic-waste treatment strategies in eco-industrial parks: A pilot-scale case study in Shenzhen, China. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 103, 107250.

[12]Wang, Q.,Bai, X., Miao, Q., Wang, T., Wang, X., Xu, Q. 2023. Isolation and characterization of quorum quenching bacteria from municipal solid waste and bottom ash co-disposal landfills. Waste Management & Research, 41 (9), 1480-1485.

[13] Ko, J.,Wang, Q., Yuan, T., Wu, H., Xu, Q. 2019. Geotextile clogging at different stages of municipal solid waste landfills co-disposed with bottom ash. Science of The Total Environment, 687, 161-167.

[14] Wu, H.,Wang, Q.,Ko, J., Xu, Q. 2018. Characteristics of geotextile clogging in MSW landfills co-disposed with MSWI bottom ash. Waste Management, 78, 164-172.

[15] Noureen, L.,Wang, Q., Humayun, M., Shah, W., Xu, Q., Wang, X. 2023. Recent advances in structural engineering of photocatalysts for environmental remediation. Environmental Research, 219, 115084.

[16] Xiong, W., Guo, Z., Zhao, S.,Wang, Q., Xu, Q., Wang Xinwei. 2019. Facile, cost-effective plasma synthesis of self-supportive FeSx on Fe foam for efficient electrochemical reduction of N2 under ambient conditions. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 7, 19977-19983.

[17] Huang, D., Bai, X.,Wang, Q.,Xu, Q. 2021. Validation and optimization of key biochar properties through iron modification for improving the methane oxidation capacity of landfill cover soil. Science of the Total Environment, 793, 148551.

[18] Huang, D., Xu, W.,Wang, Q.,Xu, Q. 2022. Impact of hydrogen sulfide on biochar in stimulating the methane oxidation capacity and microbial communities of landfill cover soil. Chemosphere, 286, 131650.

[19] Noureen, L., Zaman, S., Shah, W.,Wang, Q., Humayun, M., Xu, Q., Wang, X. 2023. Bifunctional photothermal membrane for high-temperature interfacial solar steam generation and off-grid sterilization. Chemical Engineering Journal, 473, 145122.

[20] Bai, X., Huang, D., Chen, Y.,Wang, Q., Chen, Q., Wang, N., Xu, Q. 2023. Exploration of Fe speciation preference for aerobic methane oxidation by using isotopic Fe-modified zeolites. Chemical Engineering Journal, 455, 140844.

[21] Zhang, C., Shao, M., Wu, H., Wang, N., Wang, X.,Wang, Q.,Xu, Q. 2022. Mechanism insights into hydrothermal dewatering of food waste digestate for products valorization. Science of the Total Environment, 804, 150145.

[22]王前,杨帆,徐期勇. 2017.焚烧炉渣填埋对填埋场土工膜结垢的影响.环境工程学报, 11 (9), 5262-5266.

[23]王前,苗前名,何品晶,徐期勇. 2022.生活垃圾填埋场渗滤液导排系统结垢研究现状及新挑战.环境卫生工程, 30 (2), 81-88.

[24]刘丰,王前,吴华南,徐期勇. 2020.氧化石墨烯抑制填埋场土工布初期生物结垢.中国环境科学, 40 (2), 695-700.

[25]刘丰,王前,吴华南,徐期勇. 2022.渗滤液中Na+对生物膜形成初期的吸附影响.中国环境科学, 42 (1), 213-219.

[26]向静雅,王倩,邵明帅,王前,吴华南,徐期勇. 2020.深圳海滩塑料垃圾及其重金属污染分析.中国环境科学, 40 (7), 3097-3105.

[27]杜越, Ko Jae Hac,黄丹丹,王前,向静雅,徐期勇. 2020.模拟生活垃圾填埋反应器堆体底部抽气对污染气体排放的控制.环境工程学报. 14 (11), 3182-3191.


[1]徐期勇,吴华南,黄丹丹,王前.垃圾填埋技术进展与污染控制.科学出版社. 2020. ISBN 978-7-03-065072-6.


[1]徐期勇,王前,邵明帅,吴华南.利用炉渣与填埋气防治垃圾填埋场结垢堵塞的方法及装置.发明ZL 201810108187.5申请日: 2018-02-02主分类号: B09B1/00, B09B3/00(授权).

[2]王前,徐期勇,白新月,苗前名,王新炜.群体感应猝灭菌及其培养方法、填埋场渗滤液导排系统生物结垢防治方法.发明申请号202210662462.4公布号CN 115161228 A(实审).

[3]王前,徐期勇,王彤,黄可.碳点复合光催化材料的制备方法、碳点复合光催化材料及其应用.发明申请号202310565892.9公布号CN 116688969A(实审).


[1] 2022年度《环境卫生工程》卓越论文、最佳人气论文

[2] 2022年度《环境卫生工程》最佳审稿人

[3] 2021-2022年度北京大学优秀班主任

[4] 2021年北京市普通高等学校优秀毕业生

[5] 2021年北京大学优秀毕业生

[6] 2021年北京大学环境与能源学院优秀博士论文

[7] 2018-2019学年北京大学五四奖学金

[8] 2016-2017学年研究生国家奖学金

[9] 2015年重庆市普通高等教育优秀大学毕业生


[11] 2012年全国大学生英语竞赛二等奖

[12] 2011-2012年大学生国家奖学金

[13] 2011-2012年重庆市三好学生


[1] 2023年全国有机固废处理与资源化利用高峰论坛,重庆, 2023.8.19-2023.8.20.

[2] 2023年第十八届固体废物管理与技术国际会议,三亚, 2023.5.21-2023.5.23.

[3] 2021年全国有机固废处理与资源化利用高峰论坛,成都, 2021.5.14-2021.5.17.

[4] 2020年全国有机固废处理与资源化利用高峰论坛,长沙, 2020.11.10-2020.11.12.

[5] 2020-2021年生活垃圾分类蒲公英志愿讲师培训(担任导师),深圳.

[6] The 17thinternational waste management and landfill symposium (Sardinia). Italy. Sep. 30-Oct. 04, 2019.

[7] 2019年全国有机固废处理与资源化利用研讨会,合肥, 2019.25.9-2019.5.10.

[8] The 2ndinternational conference on bioresources, energy, environment, and materials technology (BEEM). Korea. Jun. 10-13, 2018.

[9] The 9thPKU-SNU-NTU environmental workshop on climate change and sustainability, Shenzhen, Jan. 5-7, 2016.

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