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(2)长期担任《Environmental Science & Technology》、《Water Research》、《Chemical Engineering Journal》、《Journal of Hazardous Materials》、《Separation and Purification Technology》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》等国际期刊审稿专家。








[2]土壤--类Fenton系统氧化剂传输机制与土壤修复工艺研究(项目批准号:CDJZR10 210005),中央高校基本科研业务费科研专项自然科学类项目,项目负责人,6万元,2010.6-2013.5;

[3] Fenton-like技术修复石油类污染土壤过程中多场耦合特性与动力学行为研究(项目批准号:CDJRC10210002),重庆大学高层次人才科研启动基金项目,项目负责人,6万元,2010.1-2012.12;



[6]水污染控制新型絮凝剂及其絮凝作用机理(项目批准号:CSTC, 2006ba7029),重庆市科技攻关项目,主要研究人员,30万元,2006.9-2008.8;






[1] Xincheng Jiang, Jiaxi Guo, Manli Sun, Qiang Sun, Wei Ding, Hong Li *(通讯), Huaili Zheng*. Simultaneous adsorption of Ciprofloxacin and Ni(II) from wastewater using poly(vinyl alcohol)/poly(sodium-p-styrene-sulfonate) semi-interpenetrating polymer network@Ni foam: Insights into the synergistic and antagonistic mechanisms.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 486: 150391.

[2] Hejiao Zhang, Shuang Liu, Wei Ding*, Chao Liu, Yaoyao Huang, Hong Li *(通讯), Huaili Zheng. UVA light assisted activation of sulfite by metal–organic framework-derived FeOx@C catalyst for organic degradation: Formation and role of non-radical species.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 496: 154136.

[3]Bangkang Yue, Shuang Liu, Weizhen Zhang, Wei Ding*, Huaili Zheng, Hong Li *(通讯). Cobalt(II) mediated calcium sulfite activation for efficient oxidative decontamination in waters: Performance, kinetics and mechanism.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 461: 132731.

[4] Junyi Jiang, Yuhong Zou, Qiang Sun, Shuang Liu, Manli Sun, Huaili Zheng*, Hong Li *(通讯). Copolymers functionalized with quaternary ammonium compounds under template chain exhibit simultaneously efficient bactericidal and flocculation properties: Characterization, performance and mechanism.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 465: 133476.

[5] Junyi Jiang, Xiaobo Tan,Zhanmei Zhang, Wei Ding, Manli Sun, Hong Li *(通讯), Huaili Zheng*. Novel avenues for achieving simultaneous high-efficiency oil removal and sterilization: Designing a quaternary ammonium-hydrophobic ternary template copolymer.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 497: 154810.

[6] Junyi Jiang, Xiaobo Tan, Manli Sun, Yaoyao Huang, Xincheng Jiang, Wei Ding, Hong Li *(通讯), Huaili Zheng*. Synthesis and evaluation of a novel ternary quaternary ammonium salts-fluorescent template copolymer: Integrating flocculation, sterilization, and monitoring functions.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 498: 155281.

[7]Junyi Jiang, Xincheng Jiang, Yuhong Zou, Jun Zhai, Wei Ding, Hong Li *(通讯), Huaili Zheng*. Facile synthesis of acid catalyzed sulfonic acid-amide functionalized magnetic sodium alginate and its efficient adsorption for ciprofloxacin and moxifloxacin.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 391: 136122.

[8]Xincheng Jiang, Yanyan An, Yaoyao Huang, Wei Ding, Manli Sun, Hong Li *(通讯), Huaili Zheng*. One pot synthesis of Cu–Ni–S@Ni foam for the simultaneous removal and detection of norfloxacin.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 382: 135385.

[9]Xincheng Jiang, Junyi Jiang, Guoyou Huo, Jiaxi Guo, Qiquan Zheng, Hong Li *(通讯), Huaili Zheng*. An integrated approach for soluble and insoluble pollutants: Surface performance regulation of Co2CO3(OH)2@Ni foam for effective ciprofloxacin removal and oil/water separation.Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 325: 124732.

[10]Rui Zhao, Wei Ding, Manli Sun, Liuwei Yang, Bingzhi Liu, Huaili Zheng*, Hong Li *(通讯). Insight into the co-removal of Cu(II) and ciprofloxacin by calcite-biochar composite: Enhancement and competition.Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 287: 120487.

[11]Yuyang Wu, Junyi Jiang, Qiang Sun, Yanyan An, Rui Zhao, Huaili Zheng*, Hong Li *(通讯). Efficient removal of both positively and negatively charged colloidal contaminants using amphoteric starch-based flocculants synthesized by low-pressure UV initiation.Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 282: 120120.

[12]Yuyang Wu, Yanyan An, Jun Zhai, Bingzhi Liu, Weizhen Zhang, Hong Li *(通讯), Huaili Zheng*. Versatile magnetic adsorbent based on sodium p-styrenesulfonate modified sodium alginate composite for effective capture of antibiotic ciprofloxacin, methylene blue and copper ion. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 373: 133651.

[13]Chao Hu, Junyi Jiang, Yufei Li, Yuyang Wu, Jiangya Ma, Hong Li *(通讯), Huaili Zheng*. Eco-friendly poly(dopamine)-modified glass microspheres as a novel self-floating adsorbent for enhanced adsorption of tetracycline.Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 292: 121046.

[14]Chao Hu, Junyi Jiang, Yanyan An, Xincheng Jiang, Qiang Sun, Huaili Zheng*, Hong Li *(通讯). A novel self-floating silica adsorbent for antibiotic ciprofloxacin and nickel (II) ion.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 429: 132227.

[15]Yaoyao Huang, Huaili Zheng*, Hong Li *(通讯), Chun Zhao, Rui Zhao, Siqi Li. Highly selective uranium adsorption on 2-phosphonobutane-1,2,4-tricarboxylic acid-decorated chitosan-coated magnetic silica nanoparticles.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 388: 124349.

[16]谭小波,蒋君怡,孙漫梨,张占梅,李宏*(通讯),郑怀礼,丁魏.基于絮凝和杀菌双重功能的新型壳聚糖基絮凝剂制备及其性能.中国环境科学, 2025, 45(01): 132-143.

[17]邹玉虹,蒋君怡,王白雪,刘霜,李宏*(通讯),郑怀礼*.低压紫外引发制备阳离子模板絮凝剂TPDMC及混凝除浊除菌性能.环境科学学报, 2023, 43(12): 26-34.

[18]李宏,谭仲轩,赵苑婷,赵瑞,宁若妍,郑怀礼*.磁性羧甲基壳聚糖微球吸附剂的合成及其性能.土木与环境工程学报(中英文), 2020, 42(06): 207-208.











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