姓名 |
何玉洁 |
出生年月 |
1991年10月 |
技术职务 |
弘深青年学者B岗、教授、博士生/硕士生导师 |
行政职务 |
无 |
电子邮箱 |
heyujie@cqu.edu.cn |
通信地址 |
重庆市沙坪坝区重庆大学(B区)环境与生态学院 |
1) Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology期刊青年编委
2) Environmental Water Quality期刊审稿编辑
3) Current Science and Technology期刊国际编辑
4) UNLOCK组织(荷兰瓦赫宁根大学和代尔夫特理工大学联合公共实验平台)特邀评委
[12]中央高校基本科研业务项目, 021114380164,人工湿地中抗生素磺胺甲恶唑的转化机制研究,2021.03-2022.05,5万元,已结题,主持
[16] 国家重点研发计划场地土壤污染成因与治理技术项目,2018YFC1800604,场地土壤-地下水系统中重金属迁移扩散与预测,2018.12-2022.12,已结题,参与
[17] 泉州市科技计划“对外科技合作项目”(中荷合作),2018C006,基于电动力学强化人工湿地的污水深度处理技术,2018.04-2020.03,已结题,项目骨干
[18] 南京市生态环境科研课题,202309,典型抗生素在人工湿地中的去除及生态效应,2024.01-2024.12,项目骨干
[19] 污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室开放课题,典型抗生素在人工湿地中的去除及对受纳水体生态效应的研究,2023.01-2024.12,项目骨干(中英合作)
[1] Bin Wang, Hang Xu, Yu Liu, Kaiping Zhou, Xinyu Li, Deyang Kong, Jinmei Chen,
Yujie He*, Rong Ji*, Unraveling phytoremediation mechanisms of the common reed (Phragmites australis) suspension cells towards ciprofloxacin: Xenobiotic transformation and metabolic reprogramming,Water Research, 2024, 266:122347.
[2]Yujie He, Longxue Jiang, Xuan Wu, Wenhui Zhang, Yao Zong, Jiacheng Wang, Jun Shan, Deyang Kong, Rong Ji*. Fate of sulfamethoxazole in wetland sediment under controlled redox conditions.Water Research, 2024, 254:121350.
[3] Xiaoming Yun, Lidan Zhang, Wenji Wang, Jianqiang Gu, Yongfeng Wang,Yujie He*, Rong Ji*. Composition, release, and transformation of earthworm tissue-bound residues of tetrabromobisphenol A in soil.Environmental Science & Technology, 2024, 58:2069-2077.
[4] Jiacheng Wang, Lidan Zhang,Yujie He*, Rong Ji. Biodegradation of phenolic pollutants and bioaugmentation strategies: A review of current knowledge and future perspectives,Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 469:133906.
[5]Yujie He, Bin Wang, Xiaolan Zhang, Alette Langenhoff, Nora Sutton, Rong Ji*. Using isotope tracers to elucidate the fate of organic micropollutants in the environment, Water Security: Big Data Driven Risk Identification, Assessment and Control of Emerging Contaminants, 2024, Elsevier (专著章节).
[6] Bin Wang, Liyan Tian, Lili Tian, Xisheng Wang,Yujie He*, Rong Ji*. Insights into health risks of face paints application to opera performers: the release of heavy metals and the stage-light-induced production of reactive oxygen species,Environmental Science & Technology, 2023, 57:3703-3712.
[7] Bin Wang, Zhaohao Zheng, Ling Chen, Wenhui Zhang,Yujie He*, Bing Wu, Rong Ji. Transcriptomics reveals key regulatory pathways and genes associated with skin diseases induced by face paint usage,Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 890:164374.
[8]Yujie He, Li Zhang, Longxue Jiang, Thomas Wagner, Nora B. Sutton, Rong Ji*; Alette A. M. Langenhoff. Improving removal of antibiotics in constructed wetland treatment systems based on key design and operational parameters: A review,Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 407:124386.
[9] Xiong Jia,Yujie He*, Philippe F. X. Corvini, Rong Ji. Transformation of catechol coupled to redox alteration of humic acids and the effects of Cu and Fe cations.Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 725:138245.
[10] Xiong Jia, Wenji Wang, Yao Yao,Yujie He*, Philippe F. X. Corvini, Rong Ji. Fate of 2,4,6-tribromophenol in soil under different redox conditions.Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2020, 104:707-713.
[11]Yujie He, Ting Wang, Feifei Sun, Lianhong Wang, Rong Ji*, Effects of veterinary antibiotics on the fate and persistence of 17β-estradiol in swine manure,Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 375: 198-205.
[12]Yujie He, Nora B. Sutton, Yu Lei, Huub H. M. Rijnaarts, Alette A. M. Langenhoff*, Fate and distribution of pharmaceutically active compounds in mesocosm constructed wetlands,Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 357: 198-206.
[13]Yujie He, Sabri Nurul, Heike Schmitt, Nora B. Sutton, Tinka A. J. Murk, Marco H. Blokland, Huub H. M. Rijnaarts, Alette A. M. Langenhoff*, Evaluation of attenuation of pharmaceuticals, toxic potency, and antibiotic resistance genes in constructed wetlands treating wastewater effluents,Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 631-632: 1572-1581.
[14]Yujie He, Alette A.M. Langenhoff*, Rob N. J. Comans, Nora B. Sutton, Huub H. M. Rijnaarts, Effects of dissolved organic matter and nitrification on biodegradation of pharmaceuticals in aerobic enrichment cultures,Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 630: 1335-1342.
[15]Yujie He, Nora B. Sutton, Huub H. M. Rijnaarts, Alette A. M. Langenhoff*, Pharmaceutical biodegradation under three anaerobic redox conditions evaluated by chemical and toxicological analyses,Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 618: 658-664.
[16] Arnoud de Wilt#,Yujie He#, Nora B. Sutton, Alette A.M. Langenhoff*, Huub H.M. Rijnaarts, Sorption and biodegradation of six pharmaceutically active compounds under four different redox conditions,Chemosphere, 2018, 193: 811-819.
[17]Yujie He, Alette A. M. Langenhoff*, Nora B. Sutton, Huub H. M. Rijnaarts, Marco H. Blokland, Feiran Chen, Christian Huber, Peter Schröder, Metabolism of ibuprofen by Phragmites australis: Uptake and phytodegradation,Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51:4576-4584.
[18]Yujie He*, Nora B. Sutton, Huub H. M. Rijnaarts, Alette A. M. Langenhoff, Degradation of pharmaceuticals in wastewater using immobilized TiO2photocatalysis under simulated solar irradiation,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2016, 182:132-141 (ESI高被引论文).
[19]Yujie He, Wei Chen, Xiaoying Zheng*, Xingnan Wang, Xi Huang, Fate and removal of typical pharmaceuticals and personal care products by three different treatment processes,Science of the Total Environment, 2013, 447: 248-254.
[20]屈森虎,汪斌*,何玉洁*,朱瑞亭,田云升,季荣,庞伟,钱玮燕,吴厚荣,中国地表水中抗生素的分布特征与生态风险,生物工程学报, 2024, 40(7):2120-2135. [21]饶怡璇,汪斌,何玉洁*,季荣,抗生素在土壤中的归趋及不可提取态残留,环境化学, 2022, 41(02):549-560(2021-2022E方知库年度最受关注论文).
[22]何玉洁,周凯萍,饶怡璇,季荣*,抗生素的土壤环境风险及污染土壤的生物修复技术,生物工程学报, 2021, 37: 3487-3504(生物工程学报2023年度优秀论文奖)