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程 鸿
















“Environ. Sci. Technol.”,“J. Hazard. Mater.”,“Chem. Eng. J.”等期刊审稿人。



2015.08 — 2019.10沙特阿卜杜拉国王科技大学 研究生/博士

2014.08 — 2015.08沙特阿卜杜拉国王科技大学 研究生/硕士

2013.07 — 2016.07中国科学院大学 研究生/硕士

2010.02 — 2010.07中山大学 交流访问

2008.09 — 2012.07吉林大学 本科/学士


2024.09 —至今重庆大学 副教授

2020.10 — 2024.08重庆大学 弘深青年教师/讲师

2019.10 — 2020.10沙特阿卜杜拉国王科技大学 博士后研究员












已在PNASEnvironmental Science & TechnologyWater ResearchEnvironment InternationalEnvironmental Science: Nano等国内外主流杂志发表30余篇论文。


1.Z. Chen,H. Cheng*,X. Wang, B. Chen, Y. Chen, R. Cai, G. Zhang, C. Song, Q. He* (2024). Development and application of an intelligent nitrogen removal diagnosis and optimization framework for WWTPs: Low-carbon and stable operation.Water Research, 266, 122337.

2.H. Cheng*,J. S. Medina, J. Zhou, E. M. Pinho, R. Meng, L. Wang, Q. He, X. A. G. Morán, P.-Y. Hong* (2024). Predicting Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor Performance Using Flow-Cytometry-Derived High and Low Nucleic Acid Content Cells.Environmental Science & Technology58 (5), 2360-2372.

3.H. Cheng*,M. K. Monjed, Y. Myshkevych, T. Wang, P.-Y. Hong*, Accounting for the microbial assembly of each process in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs): study of four WWTPs receiving similar influent streams (2024).Applied and Environmental Microbiology90 (4), e02253-23.

4.Y. Hong, Q. TU,H. Cheng*, X. Huangfu, Z. Chen, Q. He(2022). Chronic high-dose silver nanoparticle exposure stimulates N2O emissions by constructing anaerobic micro-environment.Water Research 225, 119104.

5.H. Cheng,P.-Y. Hong* (2017). Removal of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and antibiotic resistance genes affected by varying degrees of fouling on anaerobic microfiltration membranes.Environmental Science & Technology 51(21), 12200-12209.

6.L. Zou, H. Zhang, D. Liu, W. Jiang, W. Xu,H. Cheng*, Q. He, H. Ai* (2023). A novel insight into energy conservation and efficiency enhancement in wastewater treatment process: Low-frequency mechanical vibration induced.Journal of Water Process Engineering52, 103492

7.L. Zou, M. Zhou, Q. Chuan, Z. Luo, H. Zhang, Z. Yang,H. Cheng*, R. Li, Q. He, H. Ai* (2022). Improving the performance of coupled solid carbon source biofilm carriers through pore-forming methods.Chemosphere308, 136172.

8.L. Zou, M. Zhou, Z. Luo, H. Zhang, Z. Yang,H. Cheng*, R. Li, Q. He, H. Ai* (2022). Selection and synthesization of multi–carbon source composites to enhance simultaneous nitrification–denitrification in treating low C/N wastewater.Chemosphere288, 132567.

9.H. Cheng,J. Zhou, P.-Y. Hong* (2021). Attached-growth configuration outperforms continuously stirred tank anaerobic membrane bioreactors in alleviating membrane biofouling.Environmental Research199, 111272.

10.N. Zaouri#,H. Cheng#,F. Khairunnisa, A. Alahmed, I. Blilou, P.-Y. Hong* (2021). A type dependent effect of treated wastewater matrix on seed germination and food production.Science of The Total Environment 769, 144573. (共同第一作者)

11.H. Cheng,D. Cheng, J.W. Mao, T. Lu, P.-Y. Hong* (2019).Identification and characterization of core sludge and biofilm microbiota in anaerobic membrane bioreactors.Environment International133, 105165.

12.H. Cheng,Q.T. Guan,LF. Villalobo, K-V Peinemann, A. Pain, P.-Y. Hong* (2019). Understanding the antifouling mechanisms related to copper oxide and zinc oxide nanoparticles in anaerobic membrane reactors.Environmental Science: Nano 6, 3467-3479

13.H. Cheng,Y. Xie, L.F. Villalobos, L.Y. Song, K.-V. Peinemann, S. Nunes, P.-Y. Hong* (2016). Antibiofilm effect enhanced by modification of 1,2,3-triazole and palladium nanoparticles on polysulfone membranes.Scientific Reports6, 24289.

14.陈治池,何强,蔡然,罗华瑞,罗南,宋忱馨,鸿* (2020).碳中和趋势下数学模拟在污水处理系统中的发展与综合应用.中国环境科学42(6):2587~2602

15.G. Scarascia, L. Fortunato, Y. Myshkevych,H. Cheng,T. Leiknes, P.-Y. Hong* (2021). UV and bacteriophages as a chemical-free approach for cleaning membranes from anaerobic bioreactors.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)118, 37.

16.R. Shevate, M. Kumar,H. Cheng, P.-Y. Hong, A-R. Behzad, D. Anjum, K.-V. Peinemann* (2019). Rapid Size-Based Protein Discrimination inside Hybrid Isoporous Membranes.Applied Materials & Interfaces8: 8507-8516.

17.N. L Le; M. Quilitzsch;H. Cheng; P.-Y. Hong; M. Ulbricht; T.-S. Chung; S.P. Nunes* (2017).Hollow fiber membrane lumen modified by polyzwitterionic grafting.Journal of Membrane Science522: 1-11.


·H. Cheng, and P.-Y. Hong* (2019). Nanoparticles applied in membrane bioreactors: potential impact on reactor performance and microbial communities.Elsevier. ISBN:9780128135624.


1.H. Cheng,J.W. Mao, D. Cheng, T. Lu and P.-Y. Hong*.Characterization of the sludge of biofilm microbial community in anaerobic membrane bioreactor treating municipal wastewater. The 9thIWA Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition for Water and Wastewater Treatment and Reuse.法国图卢兹,2019年6月。

2.H. Cheng,Q.T. Guan,LF. Villalobo, K-V Peinemann, A. Pain andP.-Y. Hong*. Anti-fouling effect in anaerobic membrane bioreactor induced by CuO nanoparticles and ZnO nanoparticles. The 15thIWA Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies.中国南京,2018年5月。(最佳海报奖)

3.H. Chengand P.-Y. Hong*. Removal of antibiotic resistant bacteria affected by varying extent of foulant on an anaerobic microfiltration membrane. The 8thIWA Membrane Technology Conference.新加坡,2017年9月。(最佳海报奖)

4.H. Chengand P.-Y. Hong*. Removal of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and genes affected by varying extent of foulant on an anaerobic microfiltration membrane. KAUST Research Conference: Changing paradigms of wastewater treatment – from waste to resource.沙特吉达,2017年3月。(最佳海报奖).

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