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电子邮箱: shaozhiyu@cqu.edu.cn





《Water Research》《Environment International》《J. of Hydraulic Engineering》等权威SCI杂志审稿人



IWA(International Water Association)国际水协会员


2010年-2013年,University of Kentucky(美国),土木工程/水资源 博士

2001年-2004年,University of Kentucky(美国),土木工程/水资源 硕士

1998年-2001年,同济大学,市政工程, 硕士








[1] 主持,国家自然科学基金面上项目:保障生命线的城市道路大排水系统优化原理与方法(52270087),2023-2026。

[2] 主持,国家自然科学基金面上项目:多因素协同影响下城市道路与排水管网互通排涝系统流量分配机制及模型(52070027),2021-2024。

[3] 主持,国家重点研发计划项目子课题:城市超量径流孕灾受灾要素物联网智慧感知技术研究(2022YFC3800502-01),2022-2026。

[4] 主持,国家重点研发计划项目子课题:三峡库区健康水系统构建技术与决策支持系统(2017YFC0404703-02),2017-2021,已按期结题。

[5] 项目秘书,国家重点研发计划,“水资源高效开发利用”专项:“三峡库区水循环演变机制与水安全保障技术集成及应用(2017YFC0404700),2017-2021,按期结题。

[6] 主研,国家自然科学基金项目:生物滞留设施硫协同处理城市降雨径流的脱氮代谢途径(51878094),2019-2022年。

[7] 主研,国家科技重大专项课题:绿色建筑与小区低影响开发雨水系统研究与示范(2010ZX07320-001),已按期结题。

[8] 主研,住房和城乡建设部科学技术计划重点项目:“海绵型建筑与小区技术指南”编制研究,已按期结题。

[9] 主研,重庆市科委社会民生类重点研发项目:重庆海绵城市建设与运维技术研究与示范(cstc2018jszx-zdyfxmX0010),2018-2021。


[1] 2018年度,地理信息科技进步奖一等奖:海绵城市雨水模型研究与Uwater平台构建(2018-01-16)。

[2] 2018年度,重庆市科技进步一等奖:山地城市径流污染低影响开发控制与治理技术研究及应用(2018-J-1-11-R10)。

[3] 2018年度,中国产学研合作创新成果一等奖:山地城镇合流制污水处理与资源化技术及产业化(20189041)。


[1] 2023年第八届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛重庆赛区金奖:山地海绵城市源头污染控制技术。(第1指导教师)

[2] 2023年中国上海第七届全国水处理与循环利用学术会议“优秀会议论文奖“


[1] Yuanchun Peng, Shuyang Deng, Zheng Kong, Yunsong Yuan, Hao Long, Junhua Fang, Haiyuan Ma,Zhiyu Shao, Qiang He, Hongxiang Chai, Biochar and woodchip amended bioreactor extending reactive volume for enhanced denitrification in stormwater runoff,Journal of Water Process Engineering,46,2022.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jwpe.2021.102541. (1 citations)

[2] Wang Feng,Zhiyu Shao*, Lei Xu, Huafeng Gong, Haiyuan Ma, Hongxiang Chai,Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Flow Distribution Pattern at a T-shape Roadway Crossing under Extreme Storms,Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics,2022(0 citations)

[3] Zheng Kong, Haiyuan Ma, Yunqian Song, Xinyue Wang, Liqing Li, Yunsong Yuan,Zhiyu Shao, Hongxiang Chai, A long term study elucidates the relationship between media amendment and pollutant treatment in the stormwater bioretention system: Stability or efficiency?, Water Research,225,2022 (0 citations)

[4] Zheng Kong, Yunqian Song,Zhiyu Shao*, Hongxiang Chai*. Biochar-pyrite bi-layer bioretention system for dissolved nutrient treatment and by-product generation control under various stormwater conditions. Water Research.2021, 206,117737. (15 citations)

[5] Zongshuai Weng, Haiyuan Ma, Jingchen Ma, Zheng Kong,Zhiyu Shao*, Yunsong Yuan,Hongxiang Chai*, Corncob-pyrite bioretention system for enhanced dissolved nutrient treatment: Carbon source release and mixotrophic denitrification, Chemosphere, 306,2022,135534. (1 citations)

[6] Shiyi Liu, Yu Xiang, Tengzhi Zhou, Haiyuan Ma,Zhiyu Shao, Hongxiang Chai. H.*, Insight into thiosulfate-driven denitrification and anammox process: Bigger aggregates driving better nitrite utilization on ammonium and nitrate contained wastewater.Journal Of Water Process Engineering,2022. (2 citations)

[7]Zhiyu Shao*, Lei Xu, Hongxiang Chai,Zhengsong Wu, Zuole Zheng, Scott Yost, Qiang He,(2021)A Bayesian-SWMM coupled stochastic model developed to reconstruct the complete profile of an unknown discharging incidence in sewer networks, Nov. Journal of Environmental Management 297(4):113211 (0 citations)

[8]Zhiyu Shao*, Scott Yost,(2018) Numerical investigation of driving forces in a geyser event using a dynamic multi-phase Navier–Stokes model. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 12:1, 493-505 (4 citations)

[9] Shihu Deng, Xiaoyuan Zhang,Zhiyu Shao*, Hongxiang Chai. An integrated urban stormwater model system supporting the whole life cycle of sponge city construction programs in China. Journal of water and climate change,2019,10(2):298-312. DOI:10.2166/wcc.2018.197.(8 citations)

[10] Yifan Chen,Zhiyu Shao*, Zheng Kong, Li Gu, Junhua Fang, Hongxiang Chai*. Study of pyrite based autotrophic denitrification system for low-carbon source stormwater treatment. Journal of Water Process Engineering. 2020,37. (34 citations)

[11] Xiang Yu,Shao Zhiyu*,Chai Hongxiang*, Ji Fangying, He Qiang. Functional microorganisms and enzymes related nitrogen cycle in the biofilm performing simultaneous nitrification and denitrification. Bioresource technology. 2020, 314:0-0. (26 citations)

[12] Yang Yan, Lu Hui,Shao Zhiyu,Liu Shiyi, Zhang Yuxin, Jiang Debin, Gu Li, He Qiang, Chai Hongxiang*. Electron buffer formation through coupling thiosulfate-dependent denitratation with anammox in a single-stage sequencing batch reactor. Bioresource technology. 2020, 312:0-0. (12 citations)

[13]Zhiyu Shao*,Shuang Li, Bo Lv,Hongxiang Chai.Analysis of the sediment remobilization phenomenon in a rain garden using CSTR theory. Journal of water and climate change,2018,9(2):356-366. DOI:10.2166/wcc.2018.056. (1 citations)

[14] Hongxiang Chai*, Yu Xiang, Rong Chen,Zhiyu Shao, Li Gu, Li Li, Qiang He. Enhanced simultaneous nitrification and denitrification in treating low carbon-to-nitrogen ratio wastewater: Treatment performance and nitrogen removal pathway. Bioresource technology. 2019, 280: 51-58.(41 citations)

[15] Hongxiang Chai*, Wenqian Li,Zhiyu Shao, Liang Li, Qiang He. Pollutant removal performance of an integrated system that combines a baffled vertical-flow wetland and a scenic water body. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2019, 26: 269-281.(8 citations)

[16]Zhiyu Shao*, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Shuang Li,Hongxiang Chai*. A Novel SWMM Based Algorithm Application to Storm Sewer Network Design. Water, 2017, 9(10):747. (11 citations)

[17] Hongxiang Chai, Yue Tang, Xiaojie Su, Weijie Wang, Hao Lu,Zhiyu Shao, Qiang He. Annual variation patterns of the effluent water quality from a green roof and the overall impacts of its structure. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2018,25(30):30170-30179. DOI:10.1007/s11356-018-3039-2.(11 citations)

[18] Hongxiang Chai, Siping Deng, Xiaoyuan Zhou, Chuanrong Su, Yu Xiang,YanYang,Zhiyu Shao. Nitrous oxide emission mitigation during low-carbon source wastewater treatment: effect of external carbon source supply strategy. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2019,26(22):23095-23107.:10.1007/s11356-019-05516-0.(13 citations)

[19] Yan Yang,Zhiyu Shao, Jun Du, Hongxiang Chai. Enhancement of Organic Matter Removal in an Integrated Biofilm-Membrane Bioreactor Treating High-Salinity Wastewater. Archaea: an international microbiological journal,2018,2018. DOI:10.1155/2018/2148286.(4 citations)

[8] 徐雷,吴正松,邵知宇*,李霜,柴宏祥,龚华凤,基于SWMM水力耦合模型的道路行泄通道设计方法与应用,中国给水排水,2021

[20] 邵知宇*,郑卓乐,黄文钟,李霜,张晓媛,柴宏祥,多功能雨水塘水位-流量曲线的构建及水力学原理研究,中国给水排水, 2017,33(9)

[21] 张尚义*,邵知宇*,李霜,龚华凤,郑卓乐,张晓媛,柴宏祥,基于SWMM的下穿式立交排水防涝设计研究,中国给水排水,2017,33(19)

[22] 张尚义*,阳妍,邵知宇*,彭绍汉,古励,何强,柴宏祥.美国洪水风险地图编制技术分析及对我国的启示.中国给水排水,2017,33(21):124-128.

[23] 邵知宇*,曾奕铭,康威,胡学斌,柴宏祥,建筑小区低影响开发径流模型现状及展望,中国给水排水, 2016,22,63-67

[24] W.Long, J.T. Kirby*, Shao, Z., S. A.Yost, A numerical scheme for morphological bed level calculations, Coastal Engineering volume 55 (2), 2008 (46 citations)


[1] Flow Splitter and Rain Separator Comprising the Same(美国专利),US11460868B2




[5] 一种基于SWMM水力模型确定城市雨水管网管径和坡度的方法 (第一发明人), ZL201610993074.9



[8] 一种初期雨水弃流装置,ZL2016102305770

[9] 一种建筑垂直绿化雨水收集与回用装置, ZL201710229646.0

[10] 一种雨水分流器和使用该雨水分流器的雨水弃流装置,ZL109778981B



[2] 基于水力模型的多功能调蓄设施容积计算系统V1.0,(软著登字第2058180)(第一完成人)

[3] 绿色建筑与小区低影响开发雨水系统设计软件V1.0(软著登字第1055163)

[4] 绿色建筑与小区低影响开发雨水系统设计软件V2.0(软著登字第1756515)


[1] 2019 International Symposium on Sustainable Urban Drainage,“Bayesian based Numerical Analysis of How Rainfall Data and Watershed Characteristics affect Parameter Calibration in a SWMM model”(中国宁波,2019)

[2] 2016 International Low Impact Development(LID) Conference,“Simulation of Storm Water LID facilities in a Subdivision in Shenzhen”(中国北京,2016)

[3] McMat 2005 Mechanics and Materials Conference, ASCE/ASME/SES Conference on Mechanics and Materials,“A High Order WENO scheme for flows with shocks and discontinuities”,(美国Barton Rouge,2005)






● 2022.2.20

● 2022.10.06

《Water Research》期刊论文


《Water Research》期刊是国际水协会(IWA)的主力学术期刊,是国际范围内行业(环境行业)的Top顶级期刊,在行业内具有极高的学术影响力,仅次于《Science》《Nature》。影响因子:IF=9.130

● 2022.7.24

《Sustainable Cities and Society》期刊论文


是工程技术国际顶级杂志。 影响因子:IF=5.268

● 2020.8.10

《Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics》期刊论文


《Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics》期刊是国际范围内行业(计算流体力学行业)的Top顶级期刊,在行业内具有较高的学术影响力。影响因子:IF=8.391

● 2022.3.25

《Science of the Total Environment》



● 2019.6.17

《Environmental International》期刊论文


《Environmental International》期刊是国际范围内行业(环境行业)的Top顶级期刊,在行业内具有较高的学术影响力。影响因子:IF=7.943

● 2019.7.10

《Hydraulic Engineering》期刊论文


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● 2022.8.5

《Ecological Indicator》期刊论文



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